events are the basis of the Navy’s Core Values—Honor,Courage, and Commitment. Graduations, chiefs’initiations, and crossing-the-line ceremonies are used tocelebrate and recognize the achievements of individualSailors, Marines, or entire units. However, hazingbehavior (behavior that is degrading, embarrassing, orcauses injuries) is illegal.DEFINITION OF HAZINGHazing is defined as any conduct whereby amilitary member or members, regardless of service orrank, without proper authority causes another militarymember or members, regardless of service or rank, tosuffer or be exposed to any activity which is cruel,abusive, humiliating, oppressive, demeaning, orharmful. Soliciting or coercing another to perpetrateany such activity is also considered hazing. Hazing neednot involve physical contact among or between militarymembers; it can be verbal or psychological in nature.Actual or implied consent to acts of hazing does noteliminate the culpability of the perpetrator.Hazing can include, but is not limited to, thefollowing types of activities:Playing abusive or ridiculous tricksThreatening or offering violence or bodily harmto anotherStrikingBrandingTapingTattooingShavingGreasingPaintingRequiring excessive physical exercise beyondwhat is required to meet standards“Pinning,” “tacking on,” “blood wings”Forcing or requiring the consumption of food,alcohol, drugs, or any other substanceDEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY (DoN)POLICY ON HAZINGThe DoN’s policy is as follows:Hazing is prohibited and will not be tolerated.No service member in the DoN may engage inhazing or agree to be hazed.No commander or supervisor may, by act, word,deed, or omission condone (agree to) or ignorehazing if they know or reasonably should haveknown, that hazing may or did occur.It is the responsibility of every Sailor and Marineto make sure that hazing does not occur. Everyservice member is responsible to make theappropriate authorities aware of hazingviolations.Commanders or individuals in supervisorypositions are responsible for making sure that allceremonies and initiations conducted withintheir organizations or commands comply withthis policy.Supervisory personnel must make sure thats e r v i c e m e m b e r s p a r t i c i p a t i n g i ncommand-authorized ceremonies, initiations,and other activities are treated with dignity andrespect during these events.Reprisal actions against any victim or witness ofhazing incidents are strictly prohibited.REVIEW 6 QUESTIONSQ1. All naval personnel should be treated equally andbe given equal opportunities. What programdoes the Navy use to achieve this purpose?Q2. Who provides guidance and policy for theCMEO Program?1-18Student Notes:
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