Q1. What is the Navys policy on drug abuse?
Q2. What is the purpose of the Integrity and
Efficiency Program?
Q3. List the ways to report fraud, waste, and abuse.
Q4. For the Navy to maintain public confidence in its
integrity, naval personnel should comply with
Learning Objectives: When you finish this chapter, you
will be able to
Identify the policies of the Command Managed
Equal Opportunity Program.
Recognize the purpose of equal opportunity and
human rights.
Recall the need for equal opportunity in the
following areas: performance evaluations, duty
assignments, training and advancement, justice,
service and recreational facilities, housing, and
equal opportunity off base.
Recognize the consequences of discrimination.
According to Navy Regulations, Article 1164,
Equal opportunity shall be afforded to all on the basis
of individual effort, performance, conduct, diligence,
p o t e n t i a l , c a p a b i l i t i e s , a n d t a l e n t s w i t h o u t
discrimination as to race, color, religion, creed, sex or
national origin. Naval personnel shall demonstrate a
strong personal commitment to stand on these
principles and carry them out.
The key word in the title of this section is equal.
Real democracy cannot exist if our society doesnt have
equal opportunities for all of its people. Equality cant
be legislated; however, the law can serve to make sure
that everyone receives equal treatment.
The Navy is made up of people, and people in the
Navy come from all parts of the United States and from
other countries. They bring with them views common to
t h e i r r a c i a l , s o c i a l , r e l i g i o u s , a n d e c o n o m i c
backgrounds. For many years, the official policy of the
Department of the Navy has been one of equal treatment
and opportunity for all personnel, regardless of race,
color, creed, sex, or national origin. The Navy carries
out that policy through the Command Managed Equal
Opportunity Program. The Chief of Naval Operations
(CNO) provides the guidance and policy for that
The Command Managed Equal Opportunity
(CMEO) is the Navys equal opportunity program. The
Navy requires all commands to set up a CMEO
program. CMEO allows the commanding officer (CO)
to create and maintain a positive equal opportunity (EO)
environment. CMEO also allows commands to identify
and resolve command-level equal opportunity problems
and concerns. Commands can closely monitor EO
issues, and at the same time, remain flexible enough to
use only the manpower required for any given
Commanding officers must make equal opportunity
a reality in their commands. They must ensure only
merit, ability, performance, and potential affect a
persons promotion, training, duty assignment, or other
personnel action.
Student Notes: