STANDARDS OF CONDUCT ANDPROFESSIONAL ETHICSLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recall key points of the Standards of Conduct.Identify the need for professional ethics.The Department of the Navy’s ability to maintainpublic confidence in its integrity is essential to theperformance of its mission. To help maintain thatintegrity, all naval personnel must comply with thefollowing standards of conduct (table 1-2).1-12Student Notes:1.Avoid any action, whether or not specifically prohibited, that might result in or reasonably be expected tocreate the appearance of the following:a. Using public office for private gainb. Giving preferential treatment to any person or entityc. Impeding government efficiency or economyd. Losing complete independence or impartialitye. Making government decisions outside official channelsf. Adversely affecting the confidence of the public in the integrity of the government2.Do not engage in any activity or acquire or retain any financial interest that results in a conflictbetween your private interest and the public interest of the United States related to your duties.3.Do not engage in any activity that might result in or reasonably be expected to create the appearance of aconflict of interest.4.Do not accept gratuities (gifts) from defense contractors.5.Do not use your official position to influence any person to provide any private benefit.6.Do not use your rank, title, or position for commercial purposes.7.Avoid outside employment or activity that is incompatible with your duties or may bring discredit tothe Navy.8.Never take or use government property or services for other than officially approved purposes.9.Do not give gifts to your superiors or accept them from your subordinates.10.Do not conduct official business with persons whose participation in the transaction would be in violationof law.11.Seek ways to promote efficiency and economy in government operation and public confidence in itsintegrity.12.For more information consult SECNAVINST 5370.2.Table 1-2. Standards of Conduct
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