For more information about the Public Affairs andCommunity Relations Program, see SECNAVINST5720.44, chapter 2.REVIEW 4 QUESTIONSQ1. What Navy program provides educationalprograms for people who don’t meet the Navy’sfitness or body fat standards and who also need tohelp change long-established bad health habits?Q2. With regard to pregnant servicewomen, what isthe Navy responsibility?Q3. L i s t t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s o f p r e g n a n tservicewomen.a.b.c.d.e.Q4. Service members must complete what forms forfamily care?a.b.Q5. List the areas that the Department of the Navypublic affairs office informs the public andservice members about.a.b.c.INTEGRITY AND EFFICIENCYPROGRAMLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recall key provisions of the Navy’s Integrity andEfficiency Program to include fraud, waste, andabuse.The Integrity and Efficiency (I & E) Programcarries out the Department of the Navy’s policy todetect, deter, and eliminate fraud, waste, abuse, andmismanagement. The terms fraud, waste, abuse, andmismanagement are defined as follows:Fraud. Fraud is intentional misleading or deceitfulconduct that deprives the government of itsresources or rights.Waste. Waste is the extravagant, careless, or needlessexpenditure of government resources.Abuse. Abuse is the intentional wrongful or improperuse of government resources.Mismanagement. Mismanagement is to manageincompetently or dishonestly.Yo u r e p o r t f r a u d , w a s t e , a bu s e , a n dmismanagement through any of the following means:Chain of commandNavy hotline at 1-800-522-3451Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS)Congressional communication (writing yourcongressmen)1-11Student Notes:
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