When the alignment is correct, the commandsReady, FRONT are given. On FRONT, heads snap tothe front and arms drop to the side.TO COVER OFF. This command is given when theformation is in column or in two or more ranks. On thecommand COVER, the forward member or forwardrank stands fast. You will then move, left or right, toposition yourself directly behind the person in front ofyou while maintaining a 40-inch distance.FROM NORMAL TO CLOSE INTERVAL. Thecommands Close, MARCH tell members to move fromnormal interval to close interval while in line. OnMARCH, all members, except the right flank member,pivot to the right on the ball of the right foot and step offon the left foot (one count). They march forward untilthey obtain an approximate close interval, halt, and faceto the left. They then form at close interval, as alreadydescribed. All members lower their arms when themember on their left has obtained the proper interval.FROM CLOSE TO NORMAL INTERVAL. Thecommands Extend, MARCH tell members to changefrom close interval to normal interval while in line. OnMARCH, all members, except the right flank member,pivot to the left on the ball of the right foot and step offon the left foot (one count). They march forward untilthey obtain an approximate normal interval, halt, andface to the right. Then they form at normal interval, aspreviously described . Each member drops the left armwhen the member to the left has obtained the properinterval.DOUBLE-ARM INTERVAL. The commandsTake Interval To The Left MARCH, tell members ateither close or normal interval to form a double-arminterval. At the command MARCH, members move aswhen extending ranks, except that each member raisesboth arms and touches the fingertips of the members oneither side to obtain the double-arm interval. (The rightflank member raises only the left arm, and the left flankmember raises only the right arm.) Each membersmartly lowers the right arm after obtaining properinterval to the right and lowers the left arm when themember on the left lowers the right arm.F RO M D O U B L E - A R M T O N O R M A LINTERVAL. The commands Assemble To The RightMARCH, instruct members to obtain normal intervalfrom double-arm interval. Execute this movement asyou would in closing, but form at normal interval.TO COUNT OFF. The commands Count OFFinstruct members to count off while in a rank or line. Onthe command OFF, all members, except the right flankmember, smartly turn their heads and look to the right.The right flank member shouts ONE, the next memberin rank or line shouts TWO, and so on, in quick cadenceon down the line through the left flank member. As eachmember shouts the appropriate number, he or she turnsthe head smartly to the front.Members in a file or column count off when giventhe commands From Front To Rear Count OFF. Eachmember, starting with the squad leader, turns the head tothe right and shouts the appropriate number whileturning the head back to the front.The commands Open Ranks MARCH are givenwhen more distance between ranks is required; forexample, for a personnel inspection. On the commandMARCH, the front rank takes two paces forward, thesecond rank takes one pace (30 inches) forward, and thethird rank stands fast. Each succeeding rank takes two,four, or six (15-inch) steps backward. Each rankautomatically dresses right as soon as it halts. When thealignment is completed, the commands Ready FRONTare given.TO CLOSE RANKS. The commands Close RanksMARCH tell members to close ranks. On the commandMARCH, the front rank stands fast, the second ranktakes one pace forward, the third rank takes two pacesforward, the fourth rank takes three paces forward, andso on. You will halt and cover without command.HAND SALUTE. Begin a salute on the commandsHand SALUTE, and complete the salute on thecommand TWO. On the command SALUTE, raise yourright hand smartly. At the command TWO, return toattention by moving your hand smartly in the mostdirect manner back to its normal position at your side.(If you are in formation, the preparatory commandReady will be given before the command of execution,TWO.)UNCOVER. Many religious ceremonies, andusually inspections, require you to remove your hat10-36Student Notes:
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