10-31combination hat, garrison, or command ball cap.Hairstyles that don’t allow headgear to be worn in thisway, or that interfere with the proper wear of protectivemasks or equipment, are prohibited.Hair LengthWhen in uniform, the hair may touch, but not fallbelow a horizontal line level with the lower edge of theback of the collar. With jumper uniforms, hair mayextend a maximum of 1 1/2 inches below the top of thejumper collar. Long hair, including braids, that fallsbelow the lower edge of the collar must be neatly andinconspicuously fastened, pinned, or secured to thehead. No portion of the bulk of the hair as measuredfrom the scalp will exceed approximately 2 inches.Barrettes/Combs/ClipsA maximum of two small barrettes/combs/clips,similar to hair color, may be used in the hair. Additionalbobby pins or rubber bands matching the hair color maybe used to hold hair in place, if necessary. Fabric elasticsand colored bands/pins aren’t authorized. Hairornaments will not present a safety or foreign objectdamage (FOD). Hair nets will not be worn unlessauthorized for a specific type of duty.FingernailsFingernails must not exceed 1/4 inch measuredfrom the tip of the finger. Nail polish must be a softshade, complementary to the skin tone.CosmeticsCosmetics should be conservative in color andapplied sparingly. No eccentricities or faddishness ofdress, jewelry, or grooming is permitted. No pencils,pens, pins, handkerchiefs, or jewelry may be worn orexposed on the uniform. Earrings may be worn with theuniform and must be the 6mm-ball (approximately 1/4to 1/8 inch) type with a plain brushed matte finish or ashiny finish; either the screw-on or post type. E-6 andbelow must wear silver earrings; CPOs and officersmust wear gold. Small single pearl earrings areauthorized for dinner or formal dress uniforms. While inuniform, women may wear one necklace or choker, butit must not be visible.Maternity UniformsThe wearing of the maternity uniform is mandatoryfor all pregnant women in the Navy when a uniform isprescribed, and regular uniforms no longer fit.REVIEW 6 QUESTIONSQ1. While in uniform, how many (a) wristwatchesand (b) bracelets can be worn?a.b.Q2. To what Navy publication should you refer forfurther explanation of grooming standards?Q3. When in uniform, what type of earrings isauthorized for E-6 and below and CPOs andabove?a. E-6 and below:b. CPO and above:DRILL AND FORMATIONSLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Recognize the purpose of formations.Identify facing movements within a formation.Understanding and correctly following the basicdrill positions and facing movements are a necessarypart of your military life. Drills teach discipline andinstill habits of precision and automatic response toorders.What is the purpose for formations? Is it to see ifyou know your right from our left? Not really!Student Notes:
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