placed on the left hip. The command At Close Intervalrequires the same movements as for normal interval.The only exception is that each member places the lefthand on the beltline above the left hip with the elbow inline with the body. The heel of the hand rests on the hipwith fingers straight, touching each other, and pointingdown. The left flank member makes the adjustmentwithout moving the arms.TO ALIGN THE SQUAD. On the commandsDress Right, DRESS (normal interval) or At CloseInterval Dress Right, DRESS (close interval),members of the squad align themselves with each other.On the command DRESS, all members, except theright flank member, smartly turn their heads, look, andalign themselves to the right. At the same time, allmembers, except the left flank member, smartly raisetheir left arm shoulder high (normal interval) or placetheir left hand on their hip (close interval). The rightflank member stands fast and looks to the front. Usingthe right flank member as a guide and taking short steps,the other members align themselves and obtain theproper interval. Whether commanded to dress to theright or to the left, use only the left arm to obtain theinterval, and hold that position until the next commandis given.10-35Student Notes:Figure 10-26.—Normal interval.Figure 10-27.—Close interval.
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