To bring a formation to attention again when it is inany one of the four positions of rest, the person issuingcommands gives a preparatory command (such asCompany) before the command ATTENTION. If atrest or at ease, come to the position of parade rest on thepreparatory command.FACINGSFacings are movements that can be made either tothe right or left, with the exception of about face. Whilefacing, your arms should remain at the position ofattention. The following commands describe only themovement to the right. To perform a movement to theleft, simply substitute “left” for “right” and “right” for“left.”RIGHT FACE. Right face (fig. 10-24) is atwo-count movement started on the commands RightFACE. On the command FACE, (1) raise your left heeland right toe slightly and turn 90° to the right. Keep yourleft leg straight but not stiff; (2) bring your left heelsmartly alongside the right heel and stand at attention.EYES RIGHT. When given the commands EyesRIGHT, smartly turn your head 45° to the right on thecommand RIGHT. The commands to turn your headback to the position of attention are Ready FRONT. Onthe command FRONT, snap your head to the front.ABOUT FACE. About face is a two-countmovement performed on the commands About FACE.On the command About, shift your weight to your leftleg without noticeable movement. On the commandFACE, (1) place your right toe about 6 inches behindand slightly to the left of your left heel (fig. 10-25; (2) onthe ball of the right foot and the heel of the left foot, turnsmartly to the right until you are facing the rear. Yourfeet will be in the position of attention when the turn iscompleted if you place your right toe properly behindyour left heel.FALLING INTO FORMATIONUp to this point, you have learned about movementsthat can be made by one person or by a group. In a sharpmilitary formation, each member must correctlyrespond to commands as a team. Always listen carefullyto the person in charge since formation movements areusually made up of both preparatory and executioncommands. In the following movements, you must payspecial attention to the duties of the left and right flankmembers since their response to a command is slightlydifferent from the other members in formation.FALL IN. On the command FALL IN, the squadforms in line on the left of the right flank member (squadleader). Each member of the squad, except the left flankmember, raises the left arm shoulder high in line withthe body. Fingers are straight and touching each otherpalm down. Each member (except the right flankmember) turns their head and looks to the right. Toobtain a normal interval (fig. 10-26), move in line so thatyour right shoulder touches the fingertips of the personto the right. As soon as you are in line with the person toyour right and the person on your left has obtainednormal interval, return smartly and quickly to theposition of attention.Close interval (fig. 10-27) is the horizontal distancebetween the shoulder and elbow when the left hand is10-34Student Notes:Figure 10-24.—Right Face.Figure 10-25.—About Face.
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