when given the commands Uncover TWO. On thecommand Uncover, raise your right hand as in the handsalute, but grasp the brim of your hat with your fingersinstead of touching your forehead. Hold this positionuntil the command TWO is given (you may lift your hatslightly so as not to muss your hair); then return yourhand and your hat to your side in the most direct manner,but do not remove it with an exaggerated or sweepingmotion. On the command Cover, grasp your hat withboth hands and place it squarely on your head. Dropyour left hand holding the hat brim. On the commandTWO, drop your right hand to your side.DISMISSED. The single command DISMISSED isused to secure an individual or an entire formation.REVIEW 7 QUESTIONSQ1. List three reasons for military formations.a.b.c.Q2. What is the meaning of the term rank or line withreference to military formations?Q3. List the two parts of a facing command.a.b.Q4. When in a formation, what are the fourcommands for rest?a.b.c.d.Q5. What command tells you to smartly turn yourhead 45° to the right?SUMMARYAll branches of the military establishment takepride in the appearance and sharpness of their personnelduring ceremonies. The Navy is no exception. Duringyour naval career, you will probably receive some typeof award in recognition of an accomplishment. Therecognition will probably take place at a commandfunction, such as an inspection or awards ceremony.Ship’s company or command personnel standing atattention in formation during such ceremonies makesthe award more meaningful and the ceremony moreimpressive.REVIEW 1 ANSWERSA1. The men’s dress blue jumper should hangstraight and cover all but the lowest button ofthe 13-button front of the trouser.A2. Enlisted women E-1 through E-6 wear the dresswhite jumper with the black silk neckerchief.A3. When the peacoat is worn over the dress bluejumper, the uniform’s collar is worn inside theoutergarment (peacoat).A4. When large medals are worn with a serviced r e s s w h i t e u n i fo r m , t h e u n i fo r m i sconsidered a full dress uniform.10-37Student Notes:
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