REVIEW 2 ANSWERSA1.Dungarees are stenciled on the outside 1 inchabove the right pocket and centered.A2.Both men and women Sailors stencil the dresswhite jumper in the same way.A3.The commanding officer can authorize thetransfer of enlisted person’s uniform clothing toanother individual.A4.You are required to have four dungaree shirtsand four pairs of dungaree trousers/slacks inyour seabag.A5. You may wear any of the following with civilianclothes:a. All-weather raincoatb. Underwearc. Shoesd. Belt with civilian bucklee. Socks/hosieryf. Sweatersg. NecktiesREVIEW 3 ANSWERSA1.A striker mark is a specialty mark of a ratingworn by qualified E-1 through E-3 personnel.A2. To be eligible to wear a service stripe, you musthave served 4 full years of active or reserveservice in any branch of the U.S. ArmedForces.A3.A rear admiral (lower half) wears one silverstar metal grade insignia on the uniform collar.A4.A line officer wears a five-pointed gold star onthe sleeve insignia.A5. Personnel qualified in underwater and beachreconnaissance and demolition wear the SpecialWarfare insignia.REVIEW 4 ANSWERSA1. If a person has four or more ribbons, that personmust wear three on the uniform.A2. Military decorations include the following:a. Medal of Honorb. Navy Crossc. Distinguished Service Medald. Purple HeartA3. Nonmilitary decorations include the following:a. Presidential Medal of Freedomb. Gold and Silver Life Saving Medalsc. National Sciences MedalA4. The person wears the medals from top to bottominboard to outboard, within rows.REVIEW 5 ANSWERSA1. A person shouldn’t take any of the followingactions with regard to their ID card:a. Alter itb. Intentionally damage itc. Lend it to someoned. Counterfeit ite. Use it in an unauthorized mannerA2. The military ID card identifies you to thecapturing authorities if held as a prisoner ofwar. The ID tags (dog tags) are designed foridentification purposes in casualty reportingand for grave registration of members who diein combat.10-38
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