Reactions to stress vary and can take their toll, bothmentally and physically. Common stress symptomsinclude upset stomach, fatigue, tight neck muscles,irritability, and headaches. Some people react to stressby eating or drinking too much, losing sleep, or smokingcigarettes.On-the-job pressures, changes in lifestyle, financialdifficulties, and family tensions are stressful. All toooften, people use alcohol or drugs to control the stressthey feel. However, alcohol and drugs can increase bothmental and physical stress. Regular use of alcohol anddrugs can lead to dependency.The first step to managing stress is to identify yourstressors—what things make you react. Stressors aren’tonly events that cause you to feel sad, frightened,anxious, or happy. You can cause stress through yourthoughts, feelings, and expectations. A key to dealingwith the big and little everyday stressors is to cope withstress in a positive way. The following are some waysyou can use to cope with stress:Acceptance. Many of us worry about things that wehave no control over. Learn to accept when things arebeyond your control.Attitude. Try to focus on the positive side ofsituations. By focusing on the positive, you’ll findsolutions come more easily and your stress level will bereduced.Perspective. Too often, we worry or become upsetabout things that never happen. Keep things inperspective.There are many healthy ways to combat stress.Regular exercise, proper diet, meditation, laughter,relaxation techniques, and involvement with outsideactivities can positively affect your attitude and enhanceyour life as well as reduce stress.REVIEW 4 QUESTIONSQ1. When service members or their families are avictim of spousal or child abuse, what Navyprogram was established to help them?Q2. List some of the ways that the FAP can help afamily.Q3. How does stress occur?Q4. What’s the first step when dealing with stress?Q5. List some of the ways you can combat stress.SUMMARYBeing a member of the Navy gives you variousresponsibilities, including that of your own financialmanagement. Learn to use credit wisely and don’t biteoff more than you can chew. You can use your leave andearnings statement to help you develop a budget to keepfrom overextending yourself financially. The Navytakes matters of indebtedness very seriously. Therefore,take advantage of the programs available through theNavy to help you with money problems.Trying to balance a military life with a family at bestcan be very challenging. Budgeting and preplanning forperiods of long deployment can help lessen the strain.Through the Family Advocacy Program, families canget help in times of family distress.Stress is like body temperature. If it’s too low or toohigh, you can’t survive; but, the right balance can keepyou going strong. It makes sense to use stress energypositively, to meet life’s challenges, experiences andgoals. Stress is not all bad. In fact, positive stress canmake life both rich and satisfying.REVIEW 1 ANSWERSA1. The main difference between pay and allowanceis that pay is taxable income and allowance isnontaxable income.17-18Student Notes:
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