72 = I x Y,where,I is the interest rate, andY is the number of years needed to double yourinvestment.Divide 72 years by your interest rate to estimate thenumber of years it will take to double your investment.For example, at a rate of 8%, an investment’s value willdouble in 9 years.CREDITCredit is based largely on trust. The average personin the Navy is trustworthy and expects to receive a fairdeal in business and financial dealings. On the otherhand, the way people handle their finances is a reliablesign of their general character and trustworthiness.Usually, when you think of credit, you think of timepayment purchases or charge accounts. Actually credithas a much broader scope.The entire country runs on credit, includingindustries; banks; and local, state, and federalgovernments. In fact, if credit were to stop suddenly, theresult would be catastrophic. For example, almost noone would be able to buy a home, an automobile,furniture, or a television or stereo set. Without thesesales, unemployment would skyrocket. These salaries,not available for the retail market, would in turnadversely affect the sale of other goods. The effectwould continue from the highest to the lowest level, andeconomic chaos would result.Principles of CreditCredit literally means buy now, pay later. Thesystem permits you to purchase goods as you needthem, but pay for them over a certain period. Creditmeans you receive a loan of money, and you always payextra when you borrow money. Credit, if used wisely,ensures a reasonable standard of living. However, youcannot substitute credit for sound financial planning anda systematic savings plan. Additionally, improper use ofcredit can create a financial nightmare that canadversely affect your job, family life, and mental andphysical health.Cost of CreditHave you ever rented a motorcycle or sailboat? Youalways know in advance that it will cost you so much anhour or day. The rent or cost of using the bike or boat hasits base on length of use.The rent paid for using borrowed money or credit isknown as interest. Sometimes, you may have difficultyfiguring interest. Some lenders and businesses quoteinterest rates plus other charges in a way that hides theactual figures. Then, people don’t know the total cost ofloans or installment purchases.When you borrow or buy something on time, keepyour eyes open for extra charges in addition to theinterest charge for the use of the money. Some of theseadditional charges include credit life insurance, fees forcredit investigations, loan-handling fees, and health andaccident insurance. Often, the down payment and themonthly payments are the only figures stated.Ask for the total charges in writing, including earlyrepayment penalties and monthly rates. If you don’treceive the amount in writing, you can figure it your self.First, find the total amount you will pay for the loan orthe purchase. Then subtract the actual price of the goodsfrom the total cost of the loan. The difference shows thetotal cost of credit. Taking the time to get the facts paysoff.Credit RatingMost people find it to their advantage to build agood credit rating. Some people object to buyinganything on credit and insist on paying for everything incash. They save until they have the cash to make a majorpurchase, and they often do get better buys for cash.However, a good credit rating is like money in the bank.When you have a good credit rating, it means that youpay your bills on time. Navy personnel usually have agood credit reputation and should have no problemgetting a loan or credit when needed. A good creditrating can be priceless in an emergency, such as amedical crisis, fire, or death in the family.You can establish a good credit rating by paying fortime purchases according to the purchase agreement.Time purchases include items, such as furniture or carsand items bought on credit card accounts. You can also17-13Student Notes:
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