debit card to withdraw funds from your checking orsavings account, transfer funds, and check your accountbalance day or night at ATMs.S A F E T Y P R E C AU T I O N S F O R U S I N GATMs.—Some precautions you should use when usingATMs are—Be alert, Don’t use an ATM if the lights aren’toperating or you see suspicious activity. Atdrive-up ATMs, keep car doors locked, otherwindows closed, and the engine running. If youfeel that something is wrong, leave.Take someone with you if you must make atransaction at night.Keep a low profile. Have your card ready whenyou approach the ATM. Remember to take yourcard, cash, and receipt and put them away. Countyour money only when you are safely away fromthe ATM.Savings AccountOne way for you to manage your money is to have asavings account. Savings accounts draw interest (earnmoney), while checking accounts sometimes do not. Asavings account is an excellent way to earn interest andkeep from spending money.Balancing Your AccountDepending on the bank and type of account, yourmonthly bank statement might include the following:Actual or miniphoto copies of your canceledchecks.A list of your checks. The bank keepsphotocopies of your checks on file.A listing of your savings account transactions.The part of your statement dealing with yourchecking account includes—All processed checks,Deposits and withdrawals, including those madevia convenience cards, and theBalance as of the end of your statement.You use the bank statement to balance yourchecking account. Compare your statement and registerand identify any discrepancies to your accounts.If you have any questions, the family service center,your command financial specialist, or your LPO canteach you how to balance a checkbook.AllotmentsAllotments provide a good method for you tohandle your financial affairs. The following paragraphsdescribe voluntary and involuntary allotments.VOLUNTARY ALLOTMENTS.—Voluntaryallotments are requested by you. Some of the reasonsfor making a voluntary allotment are as follows:SavingsPurchase of U.S. saving bondsLoan paymentsLife insurance paymentsMortgage paymentsPledges to the Combined Federal CampaignpaymentsPayment to family members and relativesINVOLUNTARY ALLOTMENTS.— Involun-tary allotments from a Navy member’s pay usuallymean one thing—financial irresponsibility. Involuntaryallotments are usually garnishment of your pay.BudgetingPreparing and using a budget is the key tosuccessful money management. A budget is a plan tospend money or a plan of money management. ManyNavy members have false images of the meaning of abudget. They often associate budgets with detailedbookkeeping, stacks of paper, ledgers, and so forth. A17-11Student Notes:
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