R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S O F H AV I N G ACHECKING ACCOUNT.—You have responsibili-ties when you have a checking account. You mustmaintain your check register with exactness to avoidchecks being returned for insufficient funds. This isknown as bouncing a check. For example, if you writeout a check and there isn’t enough money in youraccount to cover the check, the check will bounce. Thecheck will usually be sent back to the payee with“Non-sufficient Funds” stamped on it. The bank and thepayee will charge you more money because you wrote abad check. To avoid bouncing a check, always balanceyour checkbook.Here are some tips you can use to avoid bouncing acheck.1. Each month, your bank will send a statement ofyour transactions. Check it for accuracy andbalance your checkbook each month (fig. 17-4).2. Always record transactions in your checkregister as they occur.3. Be aware of any service fees and deduct thempromptly.It’s unlawful to knowingly write a check when youdon’t have the necessary funds in your account. In fact,UCMJ, article 123a, prohibits this action. Also, it’s afederal offense in civilian courts. Further, writingchecks without having sufficient funds can do thefollowing:Ruin your credit historyDestroy your reputationLand you in jail (civilian and/or military)Convenience CardsConvenience cards are available from yourfinancial institution. These cards make it easier to getmoney and to make purchases from your bank account.Two types of convenience cards are covered in thissection. If you have a convenience card, you will have apersonal identification number (PIN). A PIN is a secretaccess code that you must provide to use yourconvenience card. Do not tell your PIN to anyone.WARNINGDo not make purchases that will exceed thebalance in your checking account.One thing to remember, make sure that you updateyour check register each time you make a transactionusing a convenience card. Updating your check registerwill prevent you from overdrawing your checkingaccount.Finally, a record of all your convenience cardtransactions will appear on your monthly bankstatement.AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE (ATM)CARDS.—ATM cards are available from yourfinancial institution. ATM cards can be used to makedeposits or withdrawals; to make inquiries aboutaccount balances; or to move money among youraccounts. ATM cards can also be used 24 hours a day, 7days a week.CHECK (DEBIT) CARDS.—You can use a debitcard instead of writing a check. When used to pay formerchandise or services, the amount is automaticallydeducted from your checking account. You can use your17-9Student Notes:q1. Is there a minimum balance required?q2. Does the account pay interest?q3. Is there a monthly service fee? Are there other service charges?q4. Is there a limit on how many checks per month I can write?q5. What is the cost to order checks?q6. Are canceled checks returned or photocopied?q7. Is overdraft protection available?
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