Sexual abuse. In the case of child abuse, sexualabuse is actions that include, but are not limited to, theemployment, use inducement, enticement, or coercionof any child to engage in, or have a child assist any otherperson to engage in, any sexually explicit conduct orany simulation of such conduct. Actions include, but arenot limited to, rape, molestation, prostitution, or othersexual activity between the offender or a third party anda child, when the offender is in a position or a powerover the child.WHAT CAN THE COMMAND AND THEFAMILY DO ABOUT ABUSE?Child and spouse abuse are serious behavioral,social, and community problems. These problems needa comprehensive, community-based response. Themost effective response to family violence occurs whenindividuals, families, commands, and communities actas a community to keep the victim safe.The Department of the Navy (DoN) has a FamilyAdvocacy Program (FAP) that addresses child andspouse abuse. It involves the prevention, evaluation,identification, intervention, rehabilitation/behavioraleducation and counseling, follow-up, and reporting ofchild and spouse abuse. The Navy uses this program as atool to assist victims and to reduce the occurrence ofchild and spouse abuse.The five primary goals of the DoN FAP are asfollows:1. Victim safety and protection2. Offender accountability3. Rehabilitative education and counseling4. Community accountability5. Responsibility for a consistent appropriateresponseA continuous effort to reduce and eliminate childand spouse abuse is actively pursued at every level ofcommand. Each command has a Family AdvocacyProgram. The CO at each installation appoints a familyadvocacy officer (FAO). The CO also ensures that afamily advocacy committee (FAC) and a case reviewcommittee (CRC) are established. The primary goal ofthe FAP is prevention of abuse. The FAP establisheseducation, support, and awareness programs so thatfamilies and their command understand the risk factorsof child and spouse abuse. Programs emphasizeprevention, recognition, prompt notification andreporting, and availability of responsive services.Early intervention involving cases of spouse orchild abuse of any kind is very important. Victims canreport incidents of abuse directly to the FAO, familyservice center, medical treatment facility, Chaplain, orthe Ombudsman. The important thing is to report it.STRESS MANAGEMENTLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Recognize factors that cause stress.Identify ways to combat stress.Everybody experiences stress. It’s the body’snatural reaction to tension, pressure, and change. Mostpeople think of stressors (or things that cause stress) asnegative, such as traffic, a difficult job, or a divorce.However, stressors can be positive experiences. Forexample, having a baby, bowling a perfect 300 game, orcompleting a satisfying project. These are all changesthat can cause stress.Your body can’t tell the difference between a goodand a bad stressor. Both too much stress and too littlestress are bad for you, while the right balance keeps yougoing. Positive, or good stress, can keep you going. Itmakes life more challenging and less boring.Too much stress can be bad for you, both physicallyand mentally. Prolonged, unrelieved stress can lead toaccidental injury, serious illness, or inappropriatebehavior. For the sake of your health, safety, andhappiness, you need to recognize and manage stressbefore it gets the best of you.Stress occurs when there is an imbalance betweenthe demands of our lives and the resources we have todeal with those demands. An imbalance may happenwhen there are changes in our lives. It’s not the changesthemselves that cause stress but our reaction to thosechanges or events.17-17Student Notes:
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