A2. The three types of pay are—a. Basicb. Incentivec. SpecialA3.The Navy uses the Direct Deposit System(DDS) to deposit personnel paychecks.A4. When you have served more than 4 years ofactive-duty service, you will receive a longevityraise every 2 years.A5. You receive your clothing maintenanceallowance once a year.A6. The allowances that were combined to form thebasic allowance for housing are—a. BAQb. VHAA7.You are responsible for making sure yourpaycheck and LES are correct.A8.You earn 30 days a year or 2.5 days of leave permonth.A9.The CO may grant 3- or 4-day special libertyperiods.REVIEW 2 ANSWERSA1.A checking account is the safest and mostconvenient way to keep track of the moneyyou spend.A2. If you don’t have enough money in yourchecking account to cover a check, you havebounced a check. You are usually charged a feeby the bank to process this check and charged afee by the company you wrote the check to.A3. When you have money taken out to make loanpayments, you have a voluntary allotment.A4. The first thing to do when making out a budget isto start a savings plan—pay yourself first!A5. The money you’re charged to use borrowedmoney is known as interest.A6. The simplest way to find the total cost of credit isto subtract the actual price of goods from thetotal amount of the loan.A7.You establish good credit by paying loans orpurchase agreements according to yourcontract and on time.REVIEW 3 ANSWERSA1.SGLI is available in increments of ,000only.A2. The maximum amount of coverage under SGLIis 0,000.A3.Normally, you are covered for a maximum of120 days after separation from the service.REVIEW 4 ANSWERSA1. The Family Advocacy Program was establishedto help service members or their familieswhen they are a victim of spousal or childabuse.A2. The FAO can help a family through—a. Education programsb. Counselingc. Intervention in cases of abuseA3.Stress occurs when there’s an imbalancebetween the demands of our lives andresources we have to deal with those demands.A4. The first step to take when dealing with stress isto identify your stressors; that is, find outwhat causes the stress.A5. Some of the ways you can combat stress are—a. Exerciseb. Dietc. Meditationd. Laughtere. Relaxation techniquesf. Involvement with outside activities17-19
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