CHAPTER COMPREHENSIVE TEST1. How many types of pay may you receive?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four2. As a Sailor, what action must you take in orderto get paid?1. Open a savings account only2. Open a checking account only3. Open a savings or a checking accountIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 3 AND 4,SELECT THE TERM USED TO DEFINE THEQUESTION.3. Pay you get for certain types of duty that areusually considered hazardous.1. Basic pay2. Incentive pay3. Special pay4. The pay you get that’s based on your paygradeand length of service.1. Basic pay2. Incentive pay3. Special pay5. You are getting a selective reenlistment bonus.What type of pay are you receiving?1. Incentive pay2. Basic pay3. Special pay6. What is an allowance?1. Money used to reimburse you for expensesnecessary for you to do your job2. Money used to pay you for expensesunnecessary for you to do your job3. Money paid for services rendered4. Money paid for longevity7. You are entitled to an annual clothingmaintenance allowance after you have been onactive duty for what length of time?1. 12 months2. 6 months3. 3 months4. 9 months8. If a government mess is not available, anenlisted member receives which of thefollowing allowances?1. BAS2. BAQ3. FSA4. COLA9. Under which of the following conditions areyou entitled to a supplemental BAS?1. When you are receiving a RATS SEP2. When your duties prevent you frompurchasing meals from a government mess3. When you are authorized to messseparately4. All of the above10. Which of the following is the purpose of abasic allowance for quarters (BAQ)?1. To defer costs when living off base2. To help you pay for suitable living quarterswhen government quarters are unavailableor not assigned3. To pay for food and housing4. Each of the above11. Which of the following are the two basiccategories of BAQ?1. For members with dependents and formembers without dependents2. For members with dependents and forfamily separation3. For members without dependents and forfamily separation4. For members without dependents and foroverseas housing12. Which of the following offices can provideyou information about the types of allowancesto which you’re entitled?1. Education services office2. Disbursing3. Personnel4. Both 2 and 3 above17-20
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