40. Who is responsible for the safety, health, and
well-being of your family?
1. Yourself
2. The Navy
3. Your spouse
4. The government
41. What is the result of abusive behavior of Navy
1. Destroyed lives
2. Negative morale of the military unit
3. Bad reputation of the military in the
civilian community
4. All of the above
42. What program, if any, was established to help
families in distress?
1. Case Review Committee (CRC)
2. Family Advocacy Program (FAP)
3. Family Advocacy Committee (FAC)
4. None
43. Victims of spouse or child abuse can report
incidents directly to which of the following
1. FAO
2. FSC
3. Medical treatment center
4. All of the above
44. Stress happens when there is an imbalance
between the demands of our lives and the
means we have to deal with those demands.
1. True
2. False
45. What are the three means we can use to deal
with stress?
1. Acceptance, attitude, and perspective
2. Attitude, avoidance, and perspective
3. Acceptance, avoidance, and perspective
4. Acceptance, avoidance, and rejection