Read and comply with all instructions andprecautions on the label.PRECAUTIONSAlways follow safety precautions when workingwith solvents. Never use solvents in an unventilatedspace under any circumstances. Special clothingrequirements also must be observed when using somesolvents.Always follow safety precautions!Carelessness on anyone’s part could cause a mishap,resulting in injuries or even deaths. By observing safetyprecautions, you will reduce mishaps and save lives.VentilationWhen you think of ventilation, you usually think ofair conditioning and cooling. However, when workingwith solvents, the term ventilation means providingfresh air and exhaust to the area in which you areworking. Make sure the work area is properlyventilated. That includes topside areas of a ship becausesome topside areas are enclosed on three sides and willnot allow proper ventilation.When applying flammable coatings or usingsolvents, you must provide adequate ventilation, whichwill help prevent accidental ignition. You may have touse extra fans or local exhaust to ventilate a space,especially in spaces where pockets can develop. Apocket is the buildup of vapors and poisonous air in anarea, causing an explosion. Always follow safetyprecautions and make sure spaces are ventilatedproperly when solvents are used! When in doubt,contact your supervisor for additional guidance.Preventing Excess VaporsAny type of solvent will give off some type of vapor.These vapors may be toxic or flammable. Always useproper ventilation to prevent a buildup of vapors. As youhave learned, some vapors can linger in pockets ofspaces; therefore, make sure the complete work area isfully ventilated. Before starting a job, ask a gas freeengineer to examine the area for toxic gases and ask forthe proper ventilation plan for the space. Be sure to havethe space checked frequently for excessive vapors. Ifvapors are found to be excessive, stop all workimmediately and have all personnel clear the area until itis safe to return.Protective ClothingWhen working with solvents, you always face therisk of their contacting your skin through splatters orspills. Some caustic solvents will actually eat the skinoff your body. Make sure that you have all the protectiveclothing needed for the job.When working with solvents, you must wearadequate protective clothing and gloves to prevent skincontact with the solvents and cleaning materials. Do notwear jewelry or clothing with cuffs, loose pockets, rips,or loose ties. Observe the following safety precautionswhen working with solvents:Wear chemical splash goggles at all times.Wear acid-resistant aprons, face shield withgoggles, gloves, and boots when handling acid orcaustic cleaners.Wear nonskid rubber-soled shoes when workingin enclosed spaces or when flammable vaporsmay be present (spark prevention).Never work in an enclosed space without usingthe buddy system.Respiratory protection, with either an organicvapor cartridge or supplied air, should be wornwhen dispensing, handling, or cleaning usingsolvents.Using solvents for cleaning saves time; but, makesure you read all the labels before using the solvent.Many solvents are corrosive and can irritate or causeserious injuries to your eyes, skin, and lungs. Alwayscheck the caution labels before using any solvents!Fire-Fighting Equipment Required WhileUsing SolventsNothing ruins a CO’s day faster than receiving wordthat the ship is burning. A fire can cause injury and lossof life and take a ship off the line for a long time. Whenworking with solvents, you have no room for error. Ifyou’re on a work detail that requires the use of solvents18-5Student Notes:
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