or solvent-based paint, make sure the properfire-fighting equipment is located close to the work area.One little spark can set the vapors of some solvents intoa roaring fire that can take life and destroy a ship. Properequipment may include fire extinguishers, charged firehoses, or foam. You always need to be prepared. Anounce of prevention goes a long way. Ask yoursupervisor to check the type of fire-fighting equipmentyou are going to use to see if more equipment or someother type is needed for the job at hand.While working with people using solvents orsolvent-based paint, make sure you know the location ofthe nearest fire alarm. Also, make sure all the peopleworking know the nearest fire escape route. Alwaysnotify damage control central (DCC) when you areusing flammable materials.Wiping Up Solvent SpillsWhen using solvents, be careful not to spill them onthe deck or get them on anything except what you arecleaning. Solvents may cause paint to bubble and peeloff surfaces. The corrosive nature of some solvents candamage equipment. When mixed with some tilecompositions, solvents can form toxic vapors that canirritate your lungs and make you sick. If you spillsolvent, clean it up as soon as possible. If you think thespill has caused some type of damage, contact yoursupervisor for guidance.When a spill involves more than 5 gallons of solventor presents a threat to the ship or the health of the crew,report it immediately to your supervisor, DCC, or theOOD. Each ship has a hazardous material response kitto handle such emergencies. Spilled material andcontaminated clothing or rags become hazardous wasteand must be treated as hazardous material (HAZMAT).Your supervisor will tell you the proper disposalprocedures for your command.DangersWorking with solvents is dangerous. Avoid inhalingvapors. Personnel with a history of chronic skin disease,allergies, or asthma should not be permitted to workwith paint, solvents, and thinners.When you handle a solvent, don’t let it contact yourskin. If a solvent does contact your skin, flush it withclear water as soon as possible. If solvent contacts yourskin or eyes, report to the nearest medical facility assoon as possible for treatment.When working with solvents, wear an approvedrespirator and protective clothing at all times. If youthink that your respirator isn’t working properly,request an air line mask. The safety department of yourship usually provides these items.If you breathe some of the vapors given off bysolvents, get to a doctor as soon as possible.RespiratorsThe National Institute for Occupational Safety andHealth/Mine Safety and Health Administration(NIOSH/MSHA) must approve all respirators andpumps. Users must be medically qualified and fit-testedbefore wearing a respirator. The following textdescribes the air-purifying respirators and air-suppliedor self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) approvedfor use by the Navy:Air-purifying respirators use a filter, a chemicalcartridge, or a combination of the two to remove aircontamination. Filters capture particles of dust or metalfumes. The cartridges may contain a chemical or carbonto absorb vapors or gases. A combination of filter andcartridge is used for a combination of hazards, such asspray painting. The filter captures the spray mist and thecartridge absorbs the paint vapors, protecting thewearer.Air-supplied or self-contained breathingapparatus (SCBA) provides fresh air when the vapor orgas concentration is too high or the area lacks oxygen.Air-supplied or SCBA is required for all internalshipboard spray painting operations. Air for supplied airmasks is provided by certified breathing aircompressors or breathing air pumps.The use of proper equipment may save your life andthe lives of your shipmates. If you are in doubt about thetype of equipment to use, be sure to check with yoursupervisor.18-6Student Notes:
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