Remove all combustible materials, flammable orexplosive, from the area where welding or cutting is tobe done.When welding or cutting a bulkhead, deck, floor,or other structure, you should check both sides of thestructure to ensure that no materials near the structurewill be damaged or will become a possible fire hazard.Post fire watches on both sides of a deck orbulkhead before welding or cutting operations can bestarted. Personnel assigned fire watches should bethoroughly familiar with fire watch responsibilities andoutfitted with the proper safety gear, such as gloves,proper eye protection (particularly when arc welding),and safety shoes. To make sure no fire hazards exist,personnel assigned to the duties of a fire watch mustremain at the location at least 30 minutes after the job iscompleted.Keep approved fire-extinguishing equipmentnear welding and cutting operations. Usually, a CO2extinguisher is adequate. If the space is small or if theaccess is only a small opening, CO2 is not theextinguishing agent to use. CO2 could fill the smallspace, and the small opening would not allow forbreathable air to enter. The small entry or exit may alsohinder any rescue attempts should you be overcome bysuffocation. If CO2 is not recommended, the use ofwater spray from a fog nozzle is preferred. In the eventthe fire is caused by electricity, secure power beforeusing the water spray.Welding or cutting operations aren’t permitted inor on the outer surfaces of a compartment or tank thatcontains or has contained a flammable or explosivesubstance, unless applicable safety precautions areobserved.ROTATING MACHINERYThe safe operation of rotating machinery and toolsrequires the operator to be thoroughly knowledgeable inthe equipment operation. It also requires strictadherence to established operating procedures. Theoperators should be familiar with the safety precautionsfor their own particular machinery. However, whenoperating rotating machinery, the following generalsafety precautions should be observed:Never place any part of your body into movingmachinery. Never attempt to ride machinery that is notdesigned for human conveyance.Never wear jewelry, neckties, or loose-fittingclothing.Wear proper protective clothing and equipmentsuited to the operation being performed (hearingprotection; eye, hand, and foot protection; dust andpaint respirators; and so on).Before attempting to perform repairs orpreventive maintenance on any equipment, ensure thatit is de-energized and/or depressurized and properlytagged out of service before beginning to work.When working in the vicinity of electricalequipment or electrical cables, be alert to the presenceof dangerous voltages and avoid striking suchequipment with tools of any kind. Should such damageinadvertently occur, report it immediately to the ship’selectrical officer.Don’t use compressed air to clean parts of yourbody or clothing or to perform general space cleanup.Compressed air may be used to clean machinery partsthat have been properly disassembled provided that thesupply air pressure does not exceed 30 psi and a safetyshield tip is used.Reinstall shaft guards, coupling guards, deckplates, handrails, flange shields, and other protectivedevices removed as interference immediately afterremoval of machinery, piping, valves, or other systemcomponents during maintenance to prevent injury topersonnel.Inspect and/or test, according to scheduled PMSand other type commander (TYCOM) requirements, allinstalled safety devices, alarms, and sensors. Assign ahigh priority to repair of defective safety devices.Cleanliness of machinery and its spacesprofoundly affects the safety of personnel andequipment. Correct oil leaks at their source. Wipe upspills of any kind immediately, and dispose of the19-17Student Notes:
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