your head on wire runs or ventilation ducts hangingdown where they shouldn’t be.Fire hazards are always a problem in shipyards.Often, there is a large amount of equipment removal orrepairs that require welding or cutting, the repainting ofspaces, or opening fuel tanks and voids. Therefore, theneed to make sure that all flammable material isremoved from the ship everyday is significantlyincreased.You won’t be able to stop all shipyard accidents;but, by following the prescribed safety precautions, youcan make the shipyard environment a lot safer place towork. Every ship has a shipyard safety doctrine andconducts safety training before entering a shipyard. Ifyou pay attention at safety lectures and read the safetydoctrine, your ship’s stay in the dry dock will be muchsafer.AIRCRAFT STRESS AREASFlight decks and hangars are dangerous, and thedanger to personnel goes beyond the possibility ofcrashes. Engine exhaust tailpipes, engine-starting units,liquid oxygen (LOX) bottles, and connectors are allcapable of causing severe injury. Engine-startingequipment (known ash u ff e r s ) generate hightemperatures that could severely burn personnel. If notsufficiently separate from the area where fuel tanks,ammunition, or other hazardous materials are beinghandled, they could cause fires or explosions. Jetengines also generate very high temperatures. Beforeattempting any type of repair or service work on theseengines, make sure they have had enough time to cooldown to avoid any possibility of burns.Any area in which LOX is being used requires extrasafety precautions. LOX in liquid form flows like water,but it also boils into gaseous oxygen at -297F and iscapable of immediately freezing any object it contacts.When LOX expands as a gas and is confined andallowed to warm, it exerts extremely high pressures (upto 12,000 psi), causing it to be very dangerous. Alwayskeep clothing and tools free of oil and dirt. Never smokeor have any spark or flame-producing materials near anarea where LOX is being handled. A spark or flame inthis oxygen-rich atmosphere could be extremelydangerous with violent results. If your skin comes intocontact with LOX, get medical attention immediately.Once again, safety procedures and precautions must befollowed when you work with aircraft and equipment.By following these procedures and precautions, yousignificantly reduce your chances of getting hurt.REVIEW 11 QUESTIONSQ1. List the three types of hearing protection.a.b.c.Q2. List the three major precautions that you shouldfollow when lifting heavy loads.a.b.c.Q3. What precaution is taken before a ship enters ashipyard for dry dock work?Q4. LOX is dangerous and requires that you followextra safety precautions. List two reasons whyyou should be careful when handling LOX.a.b.HEAT STRESS PROGRAMHeat stress is a combination of air temperature,thermal radiation, humidity, airflow, and workload thatplaces stress on the body. The Navy’s Heat StressProgram evaluates and monitors heat stress conditions19-22Student Notes:
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