Never take food or drink of any nature intosewage-handling areas.Never work on sewage-handling equipment ifyou have open cuts or sores.Maintain cleanliness of equipment at all times.Wash down any spilled sewage immediately(before it dries) with water and a good qualitynonscented disinfectant. Don’t use liquid soapsor scented disinfectants because they maytemporarily disguise inadequate cleanupprocedures.Always follow personal hygiene routines afterworking in a sewage-handling area or after beingin contact with sewage-handling equipment.NOTENotify the medical department and the damagecontrol assistant (DCA) on the status of anyholding or other marine sanitation device(MSD) whenever the ship is threatened byhostilities, fire, flooding, or conditions thatcould turn the MSD into a biological hazard tothe ship’s crew. Each ship should havedeveloped plans to eliminate or control thebiological hazards from these occurrences.WARNINGD o n o t s m o k e i n t h e v i c i n i t y o f t h esewage-handling equipment. Fuel leaks orspills can occur in the incinerator area wheretemperatures may exceed the flash point of thefuels used. Methane and hydrogen sulfide maybe emitted by any tank or tank leaks. Thesegases are also flammable and under someconditions are explosive.REVIEW 10 QUESTIONSQ1. List the safety precautions to follow whenworking with systems having pressurizedliquids.a.b.c.d.Q2. If you’ve been exposed to acids or alkalis, whataction should you take?Q3. Why shouldn’t you smoke near sewage-handling equipment?HIGH NOISE LEVELSContinuous exposure to noise at a high level canc a u s e t e m p o r a r y o r p e r m a n e n t h e a r i n g l o s s .Electrical/electronic equipment, portable power tools,machinery, and weapons are a prime source of loudnoise.The Navy has different types of hearing protectionfor use in subduing noise, such as earplugs (regular anddisposable), headband earplugs, and the circumauralmuff. If the noise is too loud, you may need to wear theearplugs and the circumaural muff for doubleprotection.RECREATION AND SPORTSParticipation in recreational activities is responsiblefor many injuries to personnel. Practically all sportsinvolve some type of hazard. The principles of attackand retreat in body-contact sports arouse emotions thatc a n l e a d t o h a z a r d o u s c i r c u m s t a n c e s . W h e nparticipating in sports, you should be familiar with andobserve protective measures, rules, regulations,procedures, and applicable safety precautions.When you engage in recreational activities, observethe following precautions:19-19Student Notes:
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