remove equipment tagged with DANGER tags.
Operating a piece of equipment tagged out because of
an electric short could cause an injury or death. It could
also cause damage to equipment that could stop a ship
from operating.
Out-of-Calibration Label
Many gauges and devices are used to monitor how
equipment is operating. When regularly monitored,
these gauges or devices tell us when something is wrong
with the equipment. Check all monitoring devices
periodically to ensure they are measuring accurately.
Attach orange OUT-OF-CALIBRATION labels,
NAVSEA 9210/6 (fig. 19-7), to identify instruments
that give inaccurate measurements because they are out
of calibration. This label means you must u se the
instrument only with extreme caution, if at all. When
using an out-of-calibration label, mark the label with the
magnitude sign (6 or 4) and units of the required
correction or the word overdue.
Out-of-commission Label
U s e r e d O U T- O F - C O M M I S S I O N l a b e l s ,
NAVSHIPS 9890/7 (fig. 19-8), to identify instruments
that give incorrect measurements because they a re
defective or isolated from the system. This label shows
that you cannot rely upon the instrument or use it
properly until it has been repaired and recalibrated or
reconnected to the system.
Student Notes:
Figure 19-5.Caution tag.
Figure 19-6.Danger tag.
Figure 19-7.Out-of-calibration label.