REVIEW 6 ANSWERSA1. Open flame and naked lights are defined asfollows:a. The term open flame includes all forms offuel or gas lanterns, lighted candles,matches, cigarette lighters, and so on.b. The termn a ke d l i g h t sincludes anyunprotected electrical lighting device.A2. You should take the following actions whenstoring solvents:a. Label all containers used to store solventsb. Store solvents in appropriate lockersREVIEW 7 ANSWERSA1. When handling a weapon, you need to thinkabout what you’re doing because accidentsdon’t “just happen;” they’re caused. In fact,they’re often caused by personnel who don’tfollow safety precautions or who are careless.A2. Projectiles that have a 3-inch or greater diameterare color-coded to show the projectile type andthe kind of bursting charge that they contain.REVIEW 8 ANSWERSA1.Treating common 115-volt equipment lightlyis the cause of many fatal shocks received fromdrills and fans.A2. Three types of hazards associated withcompressed gases are—a. Cylinders not securedb. Cylinders under high pressurec. Cylinders containing poisonous, flam-mable, or explosive materialA3.True, oxygen and chlorine are stowed incompartments separate from flammable gases.A4. You should use a filter mask respirator whenworking with fiberglassbecause fiberglass dustis abrasive and an irritant to skin and eyes.REVIEW 9 ANSWERSA1. Before beginning work to repair a piece ofequipment, you should make sure that thee q u i p m e n t i s d e - e n e r g i z e d a n d / o rdepressurized and tagged out of service.A2. Only properly trained personnel shouldoperate gas welding or cutting equipment.A3. When working around rotating machinery, youshould remove jewelry and watches and youshouldn’t wear loose fitting clothing; wearprotecting clothing and equipment, such ashearing protection, eye, hand, and footprotection, dust and paint respirators, and soon.REVIEW 10 ANSWERSA1. The safety precautions to follow when workingwith systems having pressurized liquidsinclude—a. Never connect or disconnect a hose fromthe system until the pressure has beenremoved.b. Never point a charged (pressurized) firehose at anyone.c. Never use ruptured or worn hoses.d. Don’t use spray paints, butane fluids,lacquers, and other aerosol products near aflame; don’t throw them into a fire; anddon’t puncture the container.A2. If you’ve been exposed to acids or alkalis, youshould immediately seek medical attention.A3. You shouldn’t smoke near sewage-handlingequipment for the following reasons:a. Fuel leaks or spills can occur in theincinerator area where temperatures mayexceed the flash point of the fuels used.b. Methane and hydrogen sulfide may beemitted by any tank or tank leaks. Thesegases are also flammable and under someconditions are explosive.REVIEW 11 ANSWERSA1. The three types of hearing protection are the—19-32
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