13. When working aloft, you can receive a shockfrom which of the following pieces of gear?1. Ladders2. Guy wires3. Metal fittings4. All of the above14. When working over the side, you must wearwhich of the following pieces of safetyequipment?1. Inherently buoyant life jacket2. Inflatable life jacket3. Deck shoes4. Gloves15. Accidents involving steam usually occur inwhat working spaces?1. Engine rooms only2. Firerooms only3. Engine rooms and firerooms4. Galley16. A person overcome by carbon monoxide haswhich of the following symptoms?1. Sudden feeling of weakness2. Headache3. Drowsiness4. All of the above17. If you are in a closed compartment and thinkyou’re being affected by carbon monoxide,you should take which of the followingactions?1. Call for help2. Get to fresh air3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Stay where you are and relax18. What person is authorized to certify that aclosed space is safe to enter?1. Work center supervisor2. Gas free engineer3. Division officer4. Division chief19. When using an internal combustion engine ina closed space for de-watering or fire fighting,you should take which of the following actionsto ensure personal safety?1. Make sure the engine is clean2. Make sure the engine is fully fueled3. Make sure the exhaust is carried to theopen atmosphere4. Make sure the exhaust is confined to onesection of the compartment20. When entering a space that previously heldpetroleum products, you should wear which ofthe following recommended breathingdevices?1. A dust protector mask2. An air-line respirator3. An OBA4. An EEBD21. During fueling operations, the word is passed“the use of open flame devices is prohibited.”Which of the following devices is/areconsidered an open flame?1. Matches2. Lighted candles3. Cigarette lighters4. All of the above22. Projectile-type ammunition that is 3 inches orgreater in diameter can be identified by whatmethod?1. Shape2. Color code3. Storage container4. Label23. You should NEVER take which of thefollowing items into a magazine?1. Naked lights2. Matches3. Both 1 and 2 above24. Aboard ship, where are pyrotechnic materialsusually stored?1. In interior passageways2. In machinery spaces3. In stowage spaces on topside decks4. In magazines19-36
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