c. Keep all parts of your body in the boat; donot sit on gunwales.d. Don’t engage in horseplay.e. Never distract the attention of crewmembers from their duties.f. Don’t sit on life jackets; this will mat thefiller and reduce buoyancy.g. When told to do so, don your life jacketimmediately.h. Don’t smoke in a boat.i. If told to embark or disembark, do sowithout argument. During heavy weather,boat loads will be reduced.A2. If a boat swamps, don’t panic! Panic is easilyspread from person to person causing people tolose their lives.A3. You should learn the location of cleats, bitts, andpad eyes on a ship’s deck because they’retripping hazards; if you know where hazardsare located, you stand a better chance of avoidingthe hazard.A4. Two hazards found on flight decks of aircraftcarriers are—a. Propellersb. Jet enginesREVIEW 4 ANSWERSA1. Handling cargo improperly can result in injuryand death. In the following cases you should takethe indicated precautions.a. When working with line, never stand in thebight of a line. Keep clear of lines understrain because a line under strain can breakwith a whiplike snap that can cause severebruising, broken bones, amputations, ordeath.b. When lifting heavy objects, crouch close tothe load with feet spread. Grip the objectand lift with your arm and leg muscles (notyour back). If the load is too heavy for oneperson to lift, ask for help.c. When steadying a load, use the nonworkingside of a ship for fore-and-aft travel. Don’tstand between the load and a fixed object;don’t stand under a suspended load; andnever ride loads.A2. The OOD grants permission for any work donealoft.A3. Before permission is given for personnel to workaloft, the following precautions are taken:a. Power is secured on radio and radarantennas and controls associated withantennas are tagged.b. The engineer officer is notified to preventoperations such as lifting boiler safetyvalves or blowing tubes.A4. Lifelines are safety barriers to preventpersonnel from falling or being washed overthe side.A5. When working over the side, you should wear thefollowing equipment:a. Standard Navy safety harness with safetyline attached and tended by someone ondeckb. An inherently buoyant life jacket with ahole in the back, allowing you to wear asafety harnessREVIEW 5 ANSWERSA1. Most accidents involving steam happen inengine rooms and firerooms.A2. You should never enter a closed space until it’scertified by the gas free engineerbecause closedcompartments contain unexpected dangers,including pressures, toxic gases, carbonmonoxide, carbon dioxide, and possibly nooxygen.A3. The symptoms caused by bad air include—a. Labored breathingb. Excessive fatiguec. Headached. Dizziness19-31
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