be taken to prevent accidental ignition of loosepyrotechnics made ready for disposal, becausedamaged material can be ignited by rough handling.REVIEW 7 QUESTIONSQ1. When handling a weapon, you need to thinkabout what you’re doing for what reason?Q2. Projectiles that have a 3-inch or greater diameterare color-coded. What information is shown bythe color code?ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICEQUIPMENTAll electrical and electronic equipment ishazardous; therefore, strictly observe all safetyprecautions. Most people treat high-voltage equipmentcarefully, but they tend to treat the common 115-voltequipment lightly. Yet, 115-volt equipment is the causeof more deaths than any other voltage. Cases of fatalshock have been recorded from the use of equipmentsuch as portable grinders and drills, fans, movieprojectors, and coffee makers. In most cases, deathwould have been avoided if proper groundinginstructions had been observed. The precautions thatfollow must be observed by personnel working on ornear other types of equipment:Most electronic equipment has a metalgrounding strap connecting the equipment to theship’s hull. The straps keep the equipment’sframe and the ship’s hull at the same electricalpotential. Never paint, loosen, disconnect, or19-13Student Notes:Figure 19-3.—A result of carelessness.
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