CHAPTER 4COMMUNICATIONSCommunications are of vital importance to ashipboard organization and are sometimes referred to asthe voice of command. Without proper communicationamong the different parts of the ship, the wholeorganization could break down and fail in its mission.Communications, as discussed in this chapter, aregrouped into two basic categories—interior andexterior. Interior communications are concerned onlywith the exchange of information between individuals,divisions, and departments aboard a single ship orstation. Exterior communications deal with conveyinginformation between two or more ships, stations, orcommands.One of the most important communicationssystems used aboard ship is the sound-poweredtelephone. Sometime in your Navy career, you will“man” a sound-powered telephone set. You mustbecome familiar with the proper usage and care of theequipment. In addition, you must learn the correctprocedures used with the sound-powered telephonesystem, including the use of the phonetic alphabet.THE PHONETIC ALPHABETLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Identify the phonetic alphabet as applied tocommunications.It is easy to confuse the sounds of certain letters,such as bee and dee, cee and zee. To avoid confusion, theNavy requires that phonetic equivalents of letters bespoken instead of the letters themselves.The Navy has had a phonetic alphabet for manyyears. From time to time, it’s been changed in attemptsto use words that would instantly bring to mind the letterrepresented by the word. The phonetic alphabet (table4-1) was adopted by the armed forces of the variousNATO nations as a means of overcoming many4-1A glance at a globe is all it takes to appreciate the meaning of control ofthe sea in the nuclear age.—Admiral Arleigh BurkeLETTER EQUIVALENT SPOKENA ALFA AL fahB BRAVO BRAH vohC CHARLIE CHAR leeD DELTA DELL taE ECHO ECK ohF FOXTROT FOKS trotG GOLF GOLFH HOTEL hoh TELLI INDIA In dee ahJ JULIETT JEW lee ettK KILO KEY lohL LIMA LEE mahM MIKE MikeN NOVEMBER no VEM berO OSCAR OSS cahP PAPA pah PAHQ QUEBEC kay BECkR ROMEO ROW me ohS SIRERRA see AIR rahT TANGO TANG goU UNIFORM YOU nee formV VICTOR VIK tahW WHISKEY WISS keyX XRAY ECKS rayY YANKEE YANG keyZ ZULU ZOO looTable 4-1.—Phonetic Alphabet
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