2. Take off the coil of lead wires; then put theearpieces on and adjust the headband so that thecenter of the earpiece is directly over theopening of the ear.3. Insert the plug into the jack box and screw thecollar on firmly.Adjust the mouthpiece to bring it directly in front ofyour mouth when you stand erect. When you speak intothe transmitter, it should be about 1/2 to 1 inch fromyour mouth. In making this adjustment, remember thatthe fine wire that goes to the transmitter can be brokeneasily. Be sure there aren’t any sharp bends in it, anddon’t allow it to get caught between the transmitter andthe yoke.When you are wearing the headset, always keepsome slack in the lead cord and be sure it is flat on deck.If you have the cord stretched taut (tight), someone maytrip over it and damage the wires, receive an injury, orinjure you. Don’t allow objects to roll over or rest on thecord.After plugging in the phones, test them withsomeone on the circuit. If the phones aren’t in order,report that fact to the person in charge of your stationand don a spare set; do not attempt to repair the setyourself.If you are on lookout and should be listening as wellas searching, cover only one ear with an earpiece so thatyou can hear outside noises as well as telephonecommunications. Keep the unused earpiece flat againstthe side of your head so that noises will not enter thecircuit.N eve r s e c u r e t h e p h o n e s u n t i l y o u h avepermission to do so. When permission is given, makeup the phones for stowage according to the followinginstructions:1. Remove the plug from the jack box (fig. 4-2)by holding the plug in one hand and unscrewing thecollar with the other. When the collar is loose, graspthe plug and pull it out. Don’t pull on the lead toremove the plug; that will weaken and eventuallybreak the connection. When the plug is out, lay itcarefully on the deck. Immediately screw the cover onthe jack box, as dust and dirt will soon cause a shortcircuit in a jack box left uncovered. (NOTE: If yousee an uncovered jack box, cover it, even though youwere not responsible for the carelessness.)2. Remove the headset and hang it over thetransmitter yoke, as shown in figure 4-3.3. Coil the lead cord, starting from the end at thephone. Coil the lead in a clockwise direction, holdingthe loops in one hand, as shown in figure 4-4. The loopsshould be 8 to 10 inches across, depending on the size ofthe space where the phones are stowed. When you arecoiling the lead, be careful not to bang the plug againstthe bulkhead or deck.4. When the lead is coiled, remove the headsetfrom the transmitter yoke and put the headband in thesame hand with the coil. Use this same hand to hold the4-3Student Notes:Figure 4-2.—Sound-powered telephone jack box.Figure 4-3.—Hanging the headset on the yoke.
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