25. When standing a barracks security watch,which of the following is the first action totake if there’s a fire?1. Report the fire2. Spread the alarm3. Close doors and windows4. Fight the fire, if possible, if you have theproper equipment26. Sentries are governed by what two types oforders?1. Understood and general2. Special and verbal3. General and special4. General and verbal27. You are required to know the general orders ofa sentry. How many general orders are there?1. 112. 143. 164. 1828. When aboard ship, you should refer to whatpublication for the procedures used to relievean armed watch?1. SOP2. FOD3. Watch bill4. Battle bill29. Which of the following is a precaution tofollow when standing an armed watch with apistol?1. When relieved, unload the pistol in a safearea2. Don’t surrender the pistol to anunauthorized person3. Keep the pistol (which is loaded with oneround in the chamber) in its holster unlessyou have to use it4. Each of the above30. Under which of the following conditions candeadly force be used?1. To prevent the escape of a murderer2. To prevent sabotage3. To protect your life4. All of the above31. Why is a lookout posted?1. To prevent blind spots caused by metalobjects2. To search for objects radar can’t detect3. To detect objects low in the water4. To search for air attacks32. The peacetime lookout organization has howmany Sailors in each watch station?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four33. Which of the following is/are types ofbearings?1. Relative only2. True only3. Magnetic only4. Relative, true, and magnetic34. Which of the following is Navy phraseologyfor reporting a bearing of 038º?1. O, three, eight2. O, three, ate3. Zero, tree, ate4. Zero, tree, eight35. Lookouts report what type of bearing?1. Magnetic2. Relative3. True36. Which of the following statements describes atarget angle?1. The magnetic north pole is used as thereference point2. True north is used as the reference point3. An object in the sky4. The relative bearing of your ship fromanother ship37. A position angle can never be more than whatnumber of degrees?1. 0º2. 45º3. 90º4. 180º3-23
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