CHAPTER COMPREHENSIVE TEST1. A ship maintains a watch for which of thefollowing reasons?1. Communications2. Security3. Safety4. All of the above2. A ship’s plan for action is contained in whattype of bill?1. Battle bill2. Admin bill3. Organization bill4. Watch, quarter, and station bill3. Qualified personnel are assigned to stations bywhich of the following persons?1. Division officer and division chief2. Leading petty officer3. Leading chief petty officer4. Executive officerIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 4 AND 5, REFERTO FIGURE A AND SELECT THE CONDITIONUSED TO DEFINE THE QUESTION.4. General quarters—all battle stations aremanned.1. A2. B3. C5. Normal wartime cruising watch—4 hours on,8 hours off.1. A2. B3. C6. If you are scheduled to stand the second dogwatch, you should report at which of thefollowing times?1. 17452. 17503. 17554. 18007. If you are told to report to your duty station at0745 (24-hour clock), you should arrive atwhat time?1. 6:45 am2. 7:45 am3. 6:45 pm4. 7:45 pm8. How many bells are sounded at 1230?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four9. What watch are you standing between 2000and 2400 hours?1. Midwatch2. Forenoon watch3. First dog watch4. Evening watch10. Watches are split into port and starboard forwhat reason?1. For convenience2. For security3. To rotate personnel4. To allow extra liberty11. What type of watch do most Sailors stand?1. Phone2. Security3. Admin4. Division12. Which of the following is a type of a securitywatch?1. Sentry duty2. Barracks watch3. Fire watch4. Each of the above3-21A. CONDITION IB. CONDITION IIC. CONDITION IIIFigure A
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