Q3. Yo u a r e fi n i s h e d u s i n g t h e h e a d s e tsound-powered phone. You should then unplugthe headset for what reason?Q4. When using a handset sound-powered phone,what action should you take to talk or listenthrough the phone?SOUND-POWERED CIRCUITSLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recognize the function of the primary, auxiliary,and supplementary systems of a sound-poweredcircuit.Sound-powered telephone circuits aboard ship fallinto three categories—primary, auxiliary, andsupplementary systems.Theprimary systemincludes all circuitsnecessary for controlling armament, engineering,damage control, maneuvering, and surveillancefunctions during battle. These circuits are designatedJA through JZ.The auxiliary system duplicates many of theprimary circuits for the purpose of maintaining vitalcommunications in the event of damage to theprimary system. Auxiliary circuits are separated asmuch as possible from primary circuits. Circuitdesignations are the same as the primary system,preceded by the letter X (XJA, X1JV, and so on).The supplementary system, X1J through X61J,consists of several short, direct circuits, such as fromthe bridge to the quarterdeck or from the quarterdeckto the wardroom. Circuits in the primary andauxiliary systems can be tied together at variousswitchboards or individual stations may be cut out ofthe circuits, but the supplementary system does nothave these provisions. Because circuits in thesupplementary system usually are not manned, mostcircuits contain a buzzer system so that one stationcan alert another station that communicationsbetween the two are desired.Circuit designations are characterized by a letterand number code. The 21JS4 primary battle circuit, forexample, is identified as follows: numerals 21 indicatethe specific purpose of the circuit; the letter J denotessound power; the letter S means general purpose (radar,sonar, and ECM information); and the numeral 4indicates a particular station in the circuit. The samecircuit in the auxiliary system is X21JS4. All auxiliaryand supplementary circuit designations are preceded bythe letter X, but supplementary circuits are easilyidentified as such because they have no letter after theletter J.The following are some typical shipboardsound-powered circuits:If you are on a lookout watch, your reports will goover the JL circuit to the bridge and the ship’s CIC. Onsmall ships, the JL circuit sometimes is crossed withanother circuit, such as the 1JV, to reduce manningrequirements. The bridge talker then has the lookout,4-5Student Notes:JA Captain’s battle circuitJC Weapons controlJL Lookouts21JS Surface search radar22JS Air search radar61JS Sonar information1JV Maneuvering and docking2JZ Damage controlX8J Replenishment at sea
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