convening order. The term individual counsel refers tothe military counsel selected by the accused or thecivilian counsel provided by the accused at his/her ownexpense.The trial counsel and defense counsel detailed for ageneral court-martial must have equivalent legalqualifications. Each must be a judge advocate of theArmy, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps who is agraduate of an accredited law school or is a member ofthe bar of a federal court or of the highest court of a state.Each must be certified as competent to perform suchduties by the Judge Advocate General of the armedforces of which he/she is a member. A civilian counselmust be a member of the bar of a federal court or of thehighest court of a state.In a special court-martial, the accused must beafforded the opportunity to be represented by counselqualified under article 27, UCMJ, unless such counselcannot be obtained because of the geographical locationor pressing military requirements. If qualified defensecounsel cannot be obtained, the court may be convenedand the trial held. The convening authority makes awritten statement that states why qualified counselcannot be obtained. The following conditions must bemet:If the detailed trial counsel or any assistant trialcounsel is qualified to act as counsel before ageneral court-martial, the defense counsel mustbe a qualified person; andIf the detailed trial counsel or any assistant trialcounsel is a judge advocate or a member of thebar of a federal court or the highest court of astate, the defense counsel detailed by theconvening authority must be one of theforegoing.Art. 31. Compulsory Self-IncriminationProhibitedArticle 31 explains your rights not to provideevidence against yourself (self-incrimination), a rightgiven to all citizens under the Fifth Amendment to theU.S. Constitution. The following statements explainyour rights against self-incrimination:You cannot be forced to answer questions or giveevidence that may help to prove your guilt.You must be told the nature of the offense ofwhich you are accused; that you do not have tomake any statement; and that if you do, it can beused against you.You cannot be forced to make a statement or giveevidence in a trial that is not related to the case orthat may degrade you.No statement obtained from you by threats ort r i c k e r y c a n b e u s e d a g a i n s t y o u i n acourt-martial trial.Art. 37. Unlawfully Influencing Action ofCourt(a) No authority convening a general,special, or summary court-martial, nor anyother commanding officer, may censure,reprimand, or admonish the court or anymember, military judge, or counsel thereof,with respect to the findings or sentenceadjudged by the court, or with respect to anyother exercise of its or his functions in theconduct of the proceedings. No person subjectto this chapter may attempt to coerce or, by anyunauthorized means, influence the action of acourt-martial or any other military tribunal orany member thereof, in reaching the findingsor sentence in any case, or the action of anyconvening, approving, or reviewing authoritywith respect to his judicial acts.Article 37 is designed to ensure that every court,its members, and its officers are completely free tofulfill their functions without fear of reprisal.Art. 38. Duties of Trial Counsel and DefenseCounselThe trial counsel prosecutes in the name of theUnited States and, under the direction of the court,prepares the record of proceedings. The duties of thetrial counsel might be compared to those of a civildistrict attorney. The prosecution must prove beyond areasonable doubt the guilt of the accused for eachoffense charged. Of course, such burden of proof is2-20Student Notes:
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