Art. 80. Attempts(a) An act, done with specific intent tocommit an offense under this chapter,amounting to more than mere preparation andtending, even though failing, to effect itscommission, is an attempt to commit thatoffense.(b) Any person subject to this chapter whoattempts to commit any offense punishable bythis chapter shall be punished as a court-martialmay direct, unless otherwise specificallyprescribed.(c) Any person subject to this chapter maybe convicted of an attempt to commit an offensealthough it appears on the trial that the offensewas consummated.An accused may be guilty of an attempt even thoughthe crime turns out to be impossible to commit becauseof an outside intervening circumstance. For example, apickpocket who puts a hand in the pocket of anotherperson with the intent to steal a billfold is guilty of anattempt to commit larceny, even though the pocket isempty.Art. 81. ConspiracyConspiracyis defined as an agreement between twoor more persons to commit a crime. Conspiracy refers tosuch a plan by a group whose intent usually is to commita crime of a bold nature, such as overthrowing agovernment.The agreement in a conspiracy need not be formal.The agreement need only be a common understandingin the minds of the parties to accomplish the objective ofthe conspiracy.Art. 82. Solicitation(a) Any person subject to this chapter whosolicits or advises another or others to desert inviolation of…(article 85) or mutiny in violationof…(article 94) shall, if the offense solicited oradvised is attempted or committed, be punishedwith the punishment provided for thecommission of the offense, but, if the offensesolicited or advised is not committed ora t t e m p t e d , h e s h a l l b e p u n i s h e d a s acourt-martial may direct.(b) Any person subject to this chapter whosolicits or advises another or others to commitan act of misbehavior before the enemy inviolation of…(article 99) or sedition inviolation of…(article 94) shall, if the offensesolicited or advised is committed, be punishedwith the punishment provided for thecommission of the offense, but, if the offensesolicited or advised is not committed, he shallbe punished as a court-martial may direct.Solicitation may be accomplished by other meansthan by word of mouth or by writing. Any act or conductthat may reasonably be considered as a serious requestor advice to commit one of the offenses named in thearticle may constitute solicitation. The accused may actthrough other persons in committing this offense.2-22Student Notes:ART PRINCIPALOFFENSEART LESSERINCLUDEDOFFENSE94Mutiny92Failure to obeyorder or regulation94Sedition116Riot or breach ofpeace95Resistance,breach ofarrest, andescape134General article118Murder119Manslaughter122Robbery121Larceny andwrongfulappropriation124Maiming128Assault
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