relieved by a plea of guilty. The many duties of the trialcounsel vary widely beginning at the time of assignmentto the trial. The duties change throughout thepreparation for trial, the trial itself, and the preparationand disposition of the record of trial.All accused persons have the right to be representedbefore special and general courts-martial by defensecounsel. This counsel may be a civilian or militarylawyer selected by the accused or the conveningauthority may appoint a defense counsel. If a civiliancounsel is selected, the accused must pay the counsel’sexpenses. If the accused prefers to select a civiliancounsel, the detailed counsel and assistant counsel actas associate counsel if the accused so desires; otherwise,they may be excused.Art. 55. Cruel and Unusual PunishmentsProhibitedArticle 55 prohibits any cruel or unusualpunishment. In particular, courts-martial are forbiddento award sentences that include flogging, branding,marking, or tattooing the body. The use of irons is alsoprohibited except for the purpose of safe custody.Punitive Articles of the UCMJThe punitive articles of the UCMJ are thosenumbered 77 through 134. They are the laws ofCongress telling you what you must do and must not do,under pain of punishment.What about civil laws? Can you be given militarypunishment for nonmilitary offenses? Yes, you can. Forexample, the only U C M J regulations againstdrunkenness are for drunken driving and being drunk onduty. Many civilian communities, though, have lawsagainst public intoxication. If you are found guilty incivil court and spend time in jail for public intoxication,the Navy can try you for being absent without leave(UCMJ, article 86) and for bringing discredit upon theNavy (UCMJ, article 134).If you willfully refuse to pay just debts, you will bewarned to pay them by your commanding officer.Continued failure to pay your debts can lead to anundesirable type of discharge. The Navy has no use forpeople who don’t exhibit integrity and honesty. On theother hand, if unscrupulous dealers are gouging you, seeyour legal officer for assistance.The punitive articles that follow are those that youare required to know. If you have any questions abouttheir meaning, ask your division officer for guidance.Art. 77. PrincipalsThe mere fact that a person is at the scene of a crimedoes not make the person a principal. To be a principalof a crime, the person must be guilty of intent to aid orencourage the person(s) who committed the crime.A person who witnesses a crime can be a principal.Evidence must show the witness had a duty to interfereand the witness’s noninterference was intended tooperate and did operate to encourage or protect theperpetrator.A person may be a principal even though not at thescene of the crime if he/she commanded, advised, orobtained another person to commit an offense.Art. 78. Accessory After the FactAny person subject to this chapter who,knowing that an offense punishable by thischapter has been committed, receives,comforts, or assists the offender in order tohinder or prevent his apprehension, trial, orpunishment shall be punished as a court-martialmay direct.A person who voluntarily gives an escaped prisonerprovisions that permit him/her to avoid pursuersbecomes an accessory after the fact to the prisoner’sescape. Provisions include transportation, clothing,money, or any other necessities.Art. 79. Conviction of Lesser Included OffenseAn accused may be found guilty of anoffense necessarily included in the offensecharged or of an attempt to commit either theoffense charged or an offense necessarilyincluded therein.Examples of what generally are held to belesser-included offenses contained in a principalo ff e n s e i n c l u d e t h e f o l l ow i n g :2-21Student Notes:
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