REVIEW ANSWERSA1.(3) The term fundamentals of leadershiprefers to the art of influencing people to worktoward a specific goal.A2.(3) A successful leader will neither criticizeothers for his or her mistake nor hide thismistake from subordinates. Taking steps toavoid repeating the error is the appropriateaction when an error has been committed.A3.(1) Since an individual’s values and beliefsare influenced by childhood experiences,ethnic background, and religious heritage, aneffective leader should take these differencesinto account in his or her leadership.A4.(3) Initiative, dedication and accountabilityare traits that are common to all successfulleaders.A5.(3) Survival consists of the basics we need tosustain life, thus it is the most important levelof human behavior.A6.(4) Every person has different wants anddesires; therefore, he or she has a differentemotional makeup that cannot be changed.A7.(4) Without a proper understanding of thetechnical language of your rate, you will beunable to communicate effectively, and willmisinterpret official publications. Theseproblems will affect your advancement.A8.(1) When reporting status, do not stretch thetruth nor take up more of your superior’s timethan is absolutely necessary.A9.(2) You should never promise an awardbecause awards come through the chain ofcommand.A10.(2) Constructive feedback is used help theindividual improve his or her performance.A11.(4) The four types of advising and counselingsessions are personal, career, performance,and disciplinary.A12.(1) Improvements under the continuousimprovement program should be standardizedto make the improvements available toeveryone. Standardization results in ease ofuse and will meet all applicable standards.A13.(1) Top performance from our Navypersonnel can be expected only when theirknowledge and skills are up to therequirements for their billets.A14.(4) Assignment to fleet and service schools isnot the responsibility of the training pettyofficer. This decision is made by the Sailor’schain of command.A15.(2) By using thought-provoking questions in aclassroom discussion, all participants areencouraged to voice their opinions andthoughts about the material.A16.(3) Procedures that will be physicallyrepeated by a trainee require a physicaldemonstration in order for them to observeand later perform the procedure.A17.(2) Exposed training aids may distract thegroup’s attention from other steps in thelesson.A18.(3) Members who are inactive in the CTTprocess for a period of 24 months must repeatformal training.1-21
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