The best form of discipline is positive actiongeared to prevent disciplinary problems before theyhappen. Effective leaders use that type of discipline tohelp persons understand the need for regulations andthe need to abide by them. To receive loyalty andwilling obedience from those under you, you must setan example of high personal standards and moralconduct.In setting a proper example for your people, howcan you report somebody for being out of uniform ifyou show up at muster looking like you have slept inyour uniform for 3 days? If you show up late formuster, reporting one of your people for showing uplate would be unfair. So, you must set the example andmaintain the highest standards for your people tofollow. Remember, the way you act is also the way yourpeople will act.Each time a petty officer helps a shipmate keep aclean record, that PO is living up to the highesttraditions of the Navy. Except for major infractions ofthe UCMJ, putting people on report should be doneonly as a last resort. You always should try othermethods of correction—appeal to pride, disapproval ofspecial requests (which emphasizes that approval ofspecial requests is for the more deserving), encourageteam spirit, and so forth—first. Only after you try othermethods of correction and those fail should you placean enlisted person on report for a minor offense.The Navy has personnel of high caliber who can betrusted and who do their work well. However, many ofthem will at some time commit an infraction, such asaccidentally being out of uniform, being a couple ofminutes late to quarters, or failing to salute an officer.You would be unwise to place people on report fortrivial offenses. You should use initiative and commonsense to help keep them out of trouble. Repeatedlyputting persons on report for minor infractions reflectson your leadership ability, and you will soon findyourself heartily disliked by personnel under you. Onthe other hand, the “good guy” who tries to maintainpopularity and never reports a person is a menace todiscipline and a nuisance to all petty officers.Report of Offense ProcessingIn spite of your best efforts and those of thedivision officer, some personnel will be, among otherthings, insubordinate, indifferent to wearing the properuniform, and lax in relieving watches on time. Somealso will malinger or fight. Those are the people whomust be put on report, unpleasant though it may be. Allyou are doing is reporting to the commanding officer aviolation of military order or discipline; the captaindecides whether to punish the person.Placing a person on report (starting a chargeagainst the individual) means letting the properauthority (CO, XO, CDO, OOD, legal officer, militarypolice, security or MAA force, or any superior in thechain of command) know about the apparentmisconduct. Your notification can be oral or in theform of a written report chit. If your command has alocally prepared report chit, you should use that form;otherwise, you can use the standard Navy report chit,Report and Disposition of Offense(s), NAVPERS1626/7, as shown in figure 2-2. Whichever form youuse, make your report as complete, accurate, andspecific as possible.Figure 2-2 shows the correct manner for completingthe NAVPERS 1626/7. Be sure to include the followinginformation: date of report; accused’s name, rate, socialsecurity number, branch of service, and division; dateand place of offense (including the pertinent article ofthe UCMJ, if known); complete identification of allwitnesses; and your rate and signature. The unit legaloffice usually will type your initial report chit in properform for record purposes, so the accuracy and thecompleteness of the information you submit areimportant. In addition, investigation of the report chit iseasier if you include adequate information. If you usethe NAVPERS 1626/7, do not concern yourself with anypart of the form after the portion about article 31, UCMJ(compulsory self-incrimination prohibited), whichexplains the rights of the accused. The legal officepersonnel will complete the remainder of the form.The next step in the processing of a report chit isfor the commanding officer to assign a junior officer orsenior petty officer to conduct a preliminary inquiry ofthe alleged offense(s). The results of the preliminaryinquiry then go to the executive officer’s inquiry(XOI), also known as a screening mast. At the XOI, theexecutive officer will either dismiss the report chit orforward it to the commanding officer for captain’smast. At captain’s mast, the commanding officer willreview the report chit, the results of the preliminary2-4Q3.Your responsibilities as a petty officer endwhen you are on liberty.1.True2.FalseREVIEW QUESTION
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