Demonstration MethodUse the demonstration or “doing” method toteach skills. Demonstrate, step-by-step, theprocedures in a job task, using the exact physicalprocedures if possible. While demonstrating, explainthe reason for and the significance of each step. To beeffective, plan the demonstration so that you will besure to show the steps in the proper sequence and toinclude all steps.If you must give the demonstration before a largegroup or if the trainees might have trouble seeingbecause of the size of the equipment involved, useenlarged devices or training aids. When practical,allow trainees to repeat the procedure in a “hands on”practice session to reinforce the learning process. Byimmediately correcting the trainees’ mistakes andreinforcing proper procedures, you can help them learnthe task more quickly. The direct demonstrationapproach is a very effective method of instruction,especially when trainees have the opportunity to repeatthe procedures.TECHNIQUESUSEDINTHEDEMONSTRATION METHOD.—The basicmethod of instruction for teaching skill-type subjectmatter is the demonstration-performance method ofinstruction. This method is recommended for teachinga skill because it covers all the necessary steps in aneffective learning order.The demonstration step gives trainees theopportunity to see and hear the details related to theskill being taught. Those details include the necessarybackground knowledge, the steps or procedure, thenomenclature, and the safety precautions. Therepetition step helps the average and slow learners andgives the trainees an additional opportunity to see andhear the skill being taught. The performance step givesall trainees the opportunity to become proficient. Inshort, this method is recommended because it leavesnothing to chance.For convenience, the techniques for impartingskills are presented in steps, rather than activities.When setting up an instructional plan, understand thatyou don’t have to follow these steps in the sequencepresented; instead choose the steps in the sequencebest suited to the needs of the trainees. Although youwill always include a demonstration step and aperformance step, you must use judgment in selectingtechniques to make the various steps effective.GENERAL HINTS.—Make every effort to gettrainees to observe correct procedures the first timethey try a new task. The most effective learning resultswhen trainees use a skill immediately after you havetaught it. So as soon as you teach trainees to do a job,have them practice the skill.Teaching applicable safety precautions isespecially important. Teach a safety precaution justbefore reaching the point in your demonstration whereit applies. State the reason for the precaution so that thetrainees will understand the need for compliance.Patience is a virtue for any petty officer. If it doesnot come naturally to you, you must train yourself to bepatient. A slow learner may never acquire theknowledge or skill you are trying to impart if you areimpatient.Avoid sarcasm toward a bungler; that person maybe trying harder than you suspect. Nothing exhauststhe patience of the expert as much as the fumblingattempts of a beginner; however, the instructor mustpatiently demonstrate and explain until the traineeacquires the needed competence. “Good instruction”means a more effective crew, and such an asset justifiesany amount of patience.If you find that your trainees have not learned whatyou tried to teach them, do not react as if they disobeyedorders. If trainees do not understand a certain lesson oroperation, that could indicate a poor job of teaching. Theold saying, “If the learner hasn’t learned, the teacherhasn’t taught” might apply in some situations.RELATED TECHNIQUESYou can use instructional techniques with any of theabove methods. These techniques include the use of thelesson summary, oral questioning, and training aids.Lesson SummaryThe term summary as used here refers to that partof the lesson in which the instructor reviews thematerial covered. When summarizing, keep in mindtwo major aims. First, you want to help the traineesidentify and organize the subject matter. Second, youwant to assist the trainees in understanding and, wherenecessary, in memorizing the subject matter. Use thefollowing techniques in summarizing a lesson:Introduce the summary properly.Summarize the subject matter thoroughly. Planthe summary so that it assists the trainees in organizing1-17
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