TRAINING SUBORDINATESLearning Objectives: Recall the duties andresponsibilities of the training petty officer. Recognizethe importance of training subordinates. Recallinstructional methods and techniques. Recall theprocedures for using training aids. Recall the commandtraining team (CTT) process.Have you ever asked yourself, “What is the bestand most effective way to train my people?” Well, agood way to start is to review the guidelines andtraining policies stated in OPNAVINST 3120.32,Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S.Navy, chapter 8.The more senior a petty officer, the greater his orher responsibilities are for training. As a second classpetty officer, you need to know various techniques forconducting a proper and effective training program.Inadequate training practices can affect the operationalreadiness and performance of your command.Training is one of the most important challengeswe face as petty officers. We can expect topperformance from our Navy personnel only when theirknowledge and skills are up to the requirements of theirbillets. The better trained our Sailors are, the moreproductive they will be. Informal training iscontinuous, such as on-the-job training (OJT), PQS,and counseling sessions. Additionally we enhance oursubordinates’ knowledge and skills through moreformal training programs. This section covers basicfeatures and requirements of training and instructionalmethods and techniques.Training is the process of imparting knowledge topeople so that they become capable of performing theirassigned duties in an acceptable manner. Training alsois used to qualify people to perform in positions ofgreater difficulty and responsibility.RESPONSIBILITIES OF A TRAININGPETTY OFFICERAs a petty officer second class, you are required tobe able to perform the duties and responsibilities of atraining petty officer. This assignment most likely willbe a collateral duty. You will assist in administeringtraining within your assigned area. Some of the dutiesand responsibilities of a training petty officer are asfollows:Assist in planning, developing, and coordinatingthe training program.Develop monthly training schedules.Provide and/or assign instructors to givetraining.Provide training to assigned instructors inmethods of instruction to be used for a lesson.Oversee preparation of training materials. Assistin advancement training for personnel.Observe training/instructors to ensurerequirements are met.Maintain training records.Keep personnel informed of PQS and trainingprogress by using records such as charts andgraphs.Inform personnel of fleet and service schools.Provide information on Navy and DANTEScourses, and aid in applying for courses.For further detailed information on the duties andresponsibilities of a training petty officer, consult theStandard Organization and Regulations of the U.S.Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32.1-14Q12.Why should improvements under thecontinuous improvement program bestandardized?1.To make the improvement availableto everyone2.To recognize the individual that cameup with the improvement3.To reduce expenditures for similar tasks4.To maintain the improvements withinthe commandREVIEW QUESTIONQ13.What is one of the most important challengeswe face as petty officers when dealing withsubordinates1.Training2.Scheduling3.Production4.AdministrationREVIEW QUESTION
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