DEPENDENCY APPLICATION/RECORDOF EMERGENCY DATA, NAVPERS1070/602WThe Dependency Application/Record ofEmergency Data, NAVPERS 1070/602W, Page 2, is amultipurpose form. It is used for both officer andenlisted personnel. Figures 16-5 and 16-6 show theworksheet used to enter information. When theworksheet is complete, PSD personnel enter theinformation into the computer. This then becomes acomputerized record that is entered into your EnlistedService Record.The Dependency Application/Record ofEmergency Data serves as an application fordependency allowances. This form is normallycompleted at the recruit training command, or first dutystation, for all personnel with dependents. Informationon this form provides an immediately accessible,up-to-date record of emergency data for casualtyreporting and notification of the next of kin. Therefore,you need to update this part of the form whenever thereis any change in family member status, such asmarriage, birth, divorce, a change of address, etc.ENLISTED QUALIFICATIONS HISTORY,NAVPERS 1070/604The Enlisted Qualifications History, NAVPERS1070/604, Page 4, is another service record of interest toyou and the Navy (figs. 16-7, 16-8, 16-9, 16-10). Thisform consists of the following 12 parts:1. Educational Experience Level2. Classification/ASVAB Testing Qualifications3. Record of Off-Duty Education/VOC/TECHTraining and Non-Required CorrespondenceCourses4. Other Training Courses/Instructions Completed5. Navy Service Schools/Military TrainingCourses6. Correspondence Courses Required forAdvancement7. Navy Enlisted Classifications8. Pers. Adv. Req. (PARS) no longer required.9. Enlisted Rate/Rating10. Designator Record11. Awards12. Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS)The information contained in the various parts ofNAVPERS 1070/604 is valuable, both to you and to theNavy. The information provides a completechronological record of the following types ofinformation:Navy enlisted classification (NEC) codesDesignators assigned, changed, or revokedNavy service schools attendedNavy training courses, performance tests, andpersonnel qualification standards completedMaintenance and/or technical qualificationsattainedAdvancements, reductions, changes in rate orratingGeneral educational development (GED) testsand off-duty courses completedDecorations received and good conduct, unit,marksmanship, campaign/service, and otherawards receivedIf you reenlist, transfer to the Fleet Reserve, orenlist in the Naval Reserve at your place of discharge,the Enlisted Classification Record is removed fromyour closed (old) service record and inserted in yournew record.When you are discharged and do not immediatelyreenlist, this form is given to you. Upon application forenlistment/reenlistment, this form should be presentedto the recruiter along with the discharge certificate.ADMINISTRATIVE REMARKS FORMNAVPERS 1070/613When complete, the Administrative RemarksForm, NAVPERS 1070/613, becomes Page 13 of yourservice record. Page 13 contains miscellaneous entries16-16Student Notes:
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