opportunity, military bearing/character, personal jobaccomplishment/initiative, teamwork, and leadership.Professional KnowledgeIn the professional knowledge trait, you are rated onyour knowledge and performance of your job-relatedduties, your application of technical and professionalskills, your problem-solving abilities, and your abilityto accept instructions and directions.Quality of WorkIn the quality of work trait, you are rated on theextent to which you can be depended on to performassigned tasks successfully and the quality of the workyou performed. You’re also rated on how muchsupervision is required for you to perform an assignedtask.Equal OpportunityIn the equal opportunity trait, you are evaluated onyour contribution to command morale, unitcohesiveness, and your support of the Navy’s CommandManaged Equal Opportunity Program.Military Bearing/CharacterIn the military bearing/character trait, you areevaluated on your personal appearance, includingphysical fitness; wearing of your uniform; and, whenappropriate, neatness of your civilian clothing. You arealso graded on your knowledge and practice of militarycourtesies and the way you adhere to the Navy CoreValues—Honor, Commitment, and Courage.Personal Job Accomplishment/InitiativeIn the personal job accomplishment/initiative trait,you are evaluated on your ability to act appropriately,independently, and without specific direction, whileexercising sound judgement. You’re also rated on yourability to plan/prioritize wisely, seek extraresponsibility, and willingness to take on the hardestjobs.TeamworkIn the teamwork trait, you’re evaluated on yourcontributions to team building and your ability to worksuccessfully with subordinates, peers, and superiors.Finally, under this trait, you’re rated on your ability tounderstand team goals.LeadershipIn the leadership trait, you’re evaluated on yourability to organize and motivate people, as well asdeveloping in others their ability to accomplish goals.Your ability to delegate, to gain commitment fromothers, and to challenge and inspire subordinates whilemaintaining positive and realistic expectations are takeninto account.NOTEFor personnel in paygrades E-1 through E-3, agrade in this trait is not required unless abilitiesare clearly demonstrated.SUBMISSION AND DISPOSITIONThe Evaluation Report and Counseling Record forE-3 and below is submitted on a biyearly basis or whena person is transferred. In addition, counseling isperformed on a biyearly basis to record your progressand make you aware of your performance.You must sign your Evaluation Report andCounseling Record. Your signature on your EvaluationReport and Counseling Record does not indicateagreement with the evaluation; it indicates you haveseen the Evaluation Report and Counseling Record andyour rights have been explained. Your signature alsoindicates you have verified the identification data in theevaluation.Once signed the Evaluation Report and CounselingRecord is sent to BUPERS (counseling documentationis retained at the command and not sent to BUPERS). Acopy of your Evaluation Report and Counseling Recordis placed in your field service record, a copy is retainedby the reporting activity, and you are given a copy.16-14Student Notes:
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