FILLING OUT THE NAVPERS 1306/63You can get NAVPERS 1306/63 (fig. 16-4) fromyour division or command career counselor. The formcontains instructions for filling it out. If you need help,contact your division or command career counselor.The information on this form tells your detailerwhere you would like to be stationed, what type of dutyyou prefer, and your career intentions. The Remarkssection tells the detailer if you or your family has specialqualifications that would make a particular duty stationadvantageous to you, the Navy, or both. The formcontains this section because the Navy recognizes thatno one can be completely described in encoded,check-block-type symbols. Other information youmight want to include in the Remarks sections includesthe following:If you are volunteering for overseas duty, allcommunity support skills your family has; forexample, qualification as a teacher, nurse, dentaltechnician, hairdresser, or secretaryAny handicap a family member may have, andthe areas where treatment or support facilitiesexistIf your wife is pregnant, her expected deliverydateDates and terms of a reenlistment within 24hours of reenlistingIf you are married to another service member,your spouse’s full name, military service, socialsecurity number, rate, and present duty stationSUBMITTING THE NAVPERS 1306/63Although you have no guarantee of getting the dutyyou want, your detailer will try to match your desireswith the needs of the Navy. Without a NAVPERS1306/63 on file, your detailer assumes you don’t carewhere or what duty you are assigned. Unfortunately, alarge number of Sailors don’t submit any dutypreference.You may want duty in a location, or of a type, thatisn’t listed on the form. In that case, you will find adetailed listing of duty choices you may request inchapter 25 of the TRANSMAN. Another handyreference, available from your command, is Homeportsand Permanent Duty Stations of Activities of theOperating Forces of the Navy, OPNAVINST 3111.14.This instruction contains the location of home ports ofships and activities and can help you choose realisticduty preferences. Once you have completed theNAVPERS 1306/63, submit it through your commandto BUPERS. BUPERS enters the information into thedatabase detailers use to determine your qualifications.Be sure to keep a copy of the form you submit for yourown reference.WHEN TO SUBMIT NAVPERS 1306/63You should submit a duty preference form after 6months at your first duty station. After submitting thefirst NAVPERS 1306/63, you may submit a new one atany time. Submit a revised form anytime you changeduty stations or when important personal data, such asstatus of dependents or location of household goods,changes. Within 24 hours of a reenlistment, you mustsubmit a new NAVPERS 1306/63 that indicates the dateand number of years of reenlistment in the Remarkssection.REVIEW 3 QUESTIONSQ1. List the three types of duty.a.b.c.Q2. Overseas shore duty Code 3 is classified as whattype of duty?16-11Student Notes:
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