Q3. What form do you submit to your detailer to lethim/her know what duty station you want?Q4. List the kind of information found on theEnlisted Duty Preference Form.a.b.c.d.ENLISTED EVALUATION REPORTAND COUNSELING RECORDLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Recognize the purpose of the enlistedperformance evaluation system.Identify the traits to be evaluated.The Enlisted Evaluation Report and CounselingRecord is used to document an individual’squalifications, performance, conduct, and eligibility forincreased responsibility. The Evaluation Report andCounseling Record is the most significant personnelmanagement tool in your service record. It is usedprimarily by BUPERS to make advancement-in-rateand assignment decisions. It may also be used for thefollowing purposes:To determine eligibility for Good ConductMedalsFor reenlistmentTo determine the type of dischargeAs a basis for selecting members foradvancementFor continuation of serviceFor appointment to commissioned statusFor assignment to special dutiesFor special educational programsThe Evaluation Report and Counseling Record isvery important. Both the command and you, theindividual Sailor, need to pay attention to it.DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEWAll Sailors need to submit information they believeshould be included in their evaluation to their reportingsenior. Types of information you may submit includebut are not limited to—Off-duty educational achievementsCompleted correspondence coursesCommunity involvementAlso, you have the right to review your ownevaluation before final disposition is made. You need totake an active role in developing and reviewing yourevaluation. Your career and your future depend on it.TRAITS TO BE EVALUATEDThe reporting senior compares your performanceagainst others of the same rate and rating as yourself.When you aren’t assigned duties of your rate or rating,comparison is made against others of the same paygradewho are performing similar duties. The reporting seniorwill make a concerted effort to evaluate you objectivelyin each trait. Each trait is assigned a numerical value andthere are meanings as follows:5.0—Greatly Exceeds Standards4.0—Above Standards3.0—Meets Standards2.0—Progressing1.0—Below StandardsSome of the traits you may be evaluated on areprofessional knowledge, quality of work, equal16-13Student Notes:
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