2-16. When you maintain personnel
performance records on individuals,
you must take certain actions to
ensure compliance with the Federal
Privacy Act of 1974 and the Freedom of
Information Act. These actions
include the responsibility to inform
individuals that they have which of
the following rights?
1. The right to examine and make
copies of their record
2. The right to discuss differences
they have with entries
3. The right to request changes by
higher authority of unresolved
4. Each of the above
2-17. The Petty Officer Quality Control
Review Board reviews the performance
records of personnel in which of the
following paygrades?
1. E-4 through E-6
2. E-4 through E-7
3. E-4 through E-7
4. E-5 through E-9
2-18. If the Petty Officer Quality Control
Review Board determines that the
performance of the petty officer is
below standard, which of the following
actions could it take?
1. Process the petty officer for
administrative separation
2. Reduce the petty officer to the
next inferior paygrade
3. Advise the petty officer that it
w o u l d b e i n h i s o r h e r p e r s o n a l
benefit to request either a
transfer to the Fleet Reserve or
the U.S. Navy retired list or Naval
Reserve retired list
4. Each of the above
2-19. After enlisting in the Navy, who is
primarily responsible for insuring
that you better yourself, move ahead,
grow more knowledgeable, and become
better qualified?
1 . Y o u
2. Your division leading petty officer
3. Your division chief petty officer
4. Your division officer
2-20. People often choose which of the
following reasons for making the Navy
a career?
1. Travel
2. Retirement
3. Job security
4. Each of the above
2-21. You can find incentive program
eligibility requirements in which of
the following publications?
1. Standard Organization and
Regulations of the U.S. Navy
2. Enlisted Transfer Manual
3. Retention Team Manual
4. Both 2 and 3
2-22. The Selective Reenlistment Bonus
(SRB) program is designed to achieve
which of the following goals?
1. To provide a reenlistment
i n c e n t i v e f o r a l l f i r s t - t i me
r e e n l i s t e e s
2. To reenlist sailors in ratings
that are undermanned
3. To encourage people to change
their rating to a sea-going
4. Each of the above
2-23. Which of the following incentive
programs may be able to help you
change your rating?
1. Lateral Conversion
2. Selective Training and
3. Guaranteed Assignment Retention
4. Each of the above
2-24. Which of the following programs is
designed to teach basic skills in
English, reading, mathematics, and
1. Navy Campus Certificate/Degree
2. Basic Skills Program
3. Program for Afloat College
4. College Level Examination Program