Unless they are closely related, do not cover twosubjects in one letter.Next, write a rough draft. At this point, don’tworry too much about spelling, punctuation, orother aspects of a finished style. Concentrate ongetting all the necessary information in writing.Express your ideas as clearly and effectively aspossible. If you can’t immediately think of theright word to use, put down the best one you canthink of. Then mark the spot and come back toit later to see if you can find another word thatexpresses your idea more clearly.As you become more experienced, you willdevelop your own writing style. As a beginner,you should concentrate on simply getting yourthoughts into writing.REVIEWING THE DRAFT. -If possible,allow a little time to elapse after finishing therough draft before going over it again. If timepermits, put the it aside for a while and work onsomething else. When you resume work on thedraft, you will be more objective and see waysof improving it.When you first reread the draft, go throughit from start to finish; stop only to make briefnotes about how the text can be improved. Readthe rough draft with a critical eye to determineif what you have written is correct, clear, andstated as effectively as possible. Then go throughthe draft again, referring to your notes andrewriting as needed.Ensure the accuracy of any information, suchas numbers and dates, cited from the referenceslisted at the beginning of your letter. Correct anyinaccuracies. Be sure you mention referencesshown in the heading of the letter in chronologicalorder within the text at least once. Do not covertwo subjects in one letter unless they are veryclosely related. That practice can result inadministrative confusion when replies arerequired.Often material does not fit smoothly with whatcomes next. To correct that problem, first checkthe organization of your ideas. Be sure your ideasfollow a logical order. If your organization isgood, then you may need to use transitional wordsor expressions to show the relation between onethought and the next. For example, you could usethe transitional word however to show contrastbetween one idea and another. You might use thephrases to begin with or in conclusion to showa sequence of ideas.If you think a passage may be unclear to thereader, have someone else read it. Should thatperson have difficulty in understanding it, makechanges, even if you must take out your favoritesentence. That happens occasionally even to thebest of writers. Be glad you found those areas andhad the opportunity to clarify them.Review the draft for useless words. Take outwords you don’t need and words that add nothingto the meaning of your sentence. Change longwords to shorter ones and take out intensives(extremely, undoubtedly, very much). Take outoverworked introductory phrases (it is to be noted,it is a well-known fact that, in accordance with,we call your attention to the fact that). Sometimesyou may need one of these phrases; however, ifyou don’t need it, you should delete it.While reviewing the rough draft, look forwords used repeatedly; replace them wit h differentwords having the same meaning. Likewise, omitrepetition of ideas. Although you may sometimesrepeat words and ideas for emphasis, most repeti-tion results from carelessness. Unless you haverepeated words or ideas deliberately and for apurpose, either change or delete them.While reviewing the draft, keep in mind thepreferred style of the person who will sign thecorrespondence. Most people who sign corre-spondence have certain words and phrases theyprefer and certain ones they do not allow.Learning those words and phrases as quickly aspossible will eliminate the inconvenience of havingto add or delete them each time.ACCEPTING CRITICISM. -Once you havecompleted the smooth draft, you will probablyfeel a certain pride in your accomplishment.However, don’t let yourself become fond of theway you have expressed something. If the draftmust go through several reviewers before it issigned, you should accept the fact that changeswill be made. The minute you permit yourself tobecome fond of your writing, you becomereluctant to change, which can mean trouble intwo ways. First, most writing can be improved;therefore, instead of allowing criticism to hurtyour feelings, use it to improve your writing.Second, someone else will sign most Navycorrespondence; so don’t feel distressed if thesigner insists on changing the wording beforesigning. After all, the signer assumes responsibilityfor the content of the correspondence.If your wording is misunderstood or yourreasoning is overlooked, bring it to the signer’sattention. In such cases, you would be justifiedin defending what you have written. However, ifthe signer still doesn’t accept your changes, you2-38
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