Text. —Use the proper choice of words andgood writing techniques to help you write briefmessages; however, do not make your messagebrief at the cost of accuracy. Limit the use ofabbreviations to those that are self-evident orrecognizable because of their long-established use.You may make exceptions in the case of currentlyauthorized abbreviations used in routine admini-strative and technical traffic handled only bypersons familiar with the abbreviations. Don’t useshort titles or abbreviations in the text if themessage is addressed to a member of Congress,a commercial concern, or a nonmilitary address.Do not carry the use of uncommon phrases andmodes of expression to the point that the meaningof the message becomes ambiguous or obscure.In case of doubt, clarity always takes precedenceover brevity. The following are some punctuationand symbols you may use to enhance clarity withinthe message text:Hyphen (-)Question mark (?)Colon (:)Dollar sign ($)Apostrophe (’)Ampersand (&)Parentheses (left and right) ( )Period (.)Comma (,)Virgule (or slant) (/)Quotation mark (“)You may not use the following punctuationmarks and symbols in a naval message:Number symbol (#)“At” sign (@)Percent (%)Fractions (1/2, 1/4, and so forth)Asterisk (*)Underscore ( _ )Cent sign (¢)DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICA-TION MARKINGS. —YOU must apply down-grading and declassification markings to allclassified messages. These markings are locatedon the first line after the last line of the text.OPNAVINST 5510.1H contains specific infor-mation about appropriate markings.Message ReaddressalsFrequently, a message must be transmitted toan activity that was not an addressee of themessage as it was originally drafted. This processis called “message readdressal.” The originatoror action addressee of a message may readdressthat message for action or information to anotheractivity. An information addressee may readdressa message for information purposes only.When a readdressal message is prepared, itmust be handled and accounted for as a complete,unique message. Readdressal messages carry aunique date-time group and supplementary head-ing and must be released by a person authorizedto release messages.Message CancellationsOnly the originator may cancel a message. Allmessage directives are automatically canceled 90days following the release date, except under thefollowing circumstances:1. The text of a message provides for anearlier cancellation.2. A subsequent message extends the cancella-tion date.3. A message is reissued, by the originator,in standard directive format within 90 daysof the release date.Minimize ConditionMinimize is a condition imposed by properauthority to reduce and control electrical messageand telephone traffic. The purpose of minimizeis to clear the telecommunications network ofmessage and voice traffic in which urgency doesnot justify electrical transmission during an actualor simulated crisis. During periods of minimize,message drafters and releasers must review allmessages to ensure electrical transmission isessential and the lowest precedence consistent withspeed of service objectives is used. Messagesprepared for electrical transmission under mini-mize conditions must have the phrase “MINI-MIZE CONSIDERED” located in the specialinstructions block.OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCEAs a senior petty officer, you will be requiredto compose correspondence from brief notes andoccasionally from oral instructions. You will berequired to prepare a first draft that will need onlyminor changes before the draft is ready forsmooth typing. You must master the writing ofshort, routine correspondence to the point that2-36
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