RESPONSIBILITIESAll members of the ship’s company shouldknow their damage control responsibilities andrealize the importance of damage control. Theimportance of efficient damage control cannot beoveremphasized. Damage control readiness canonly be achieved by a firm program stimulatedby effective and dynamic leadership. This programshould be executed by enthusiastic, well-trained,and determined officers and crew from alldepartments on board. While no area can befully covered, the basic responsibilities of keyindividuals in the damage control organization arestated in the following paragraphs.Commanding OfficerChapter 8, U.S. Navy Regulations,the various broad responsibilities ofmanding officer (CO). For example,must “maintain his or her commandof maximum effectiveness for wardelineatesthe com-he or shein a stateor otherservice . . . . Immediately after a battle or action,repair damages so far as possible, [and] exert everyeffort to prepare the command for furtherservice . . . .”To carry out this charge, the commandingofficer ensures the command is well trained andcontinually exercised in all aspects of damagecontrol. The commanding officer should be fullyaware of all of the ship’s weaknesses, includingthe adequacy and operability of all damagecontrol equipment.Executive OfficerThe executive officer (XO) keeps the commandadvised of the status of the ship’s damage controlreadiness. The executive officer carries out the re-quirements of command damage control training,including the ship’s readiness to combat allcasualties and damage caused by hostile acts orother occurrences.Officer of the DeckThe officer of the deck (OOD) is the seniormember of the underway watch team and is theprimary assistant to the commanding officer onthe bridge. The OOD should be intimatelyfamiliar with the ship, its material condition, andestablished procedures for emergencies. The OODshould know and understand the correct courseof action, or options, for various damage controlsituations. The OOD should be able to analyzea situation quickly and take prompt, positive,and correct counteraction. The OOD’s ability toreact properly and promptly will be directlyproportional to his or her knowledge of the ship,damage control procedures, equipment available,and training received.Division OfficerThe division officer is responsible for takingall practical preliminary measures before damageoccurs, such as maintenance of watertight and air-tight integrity, removal of fire hazards, andupkeep of emergency equipment. Division officersensure that all equipment, closures, and markingsunder their cognizance are kept in the best possiblecondition. This is done by periodic inspections,adherence to planned maintenance system (PMS)checks by division damage control petty officers(DDCPOs), and training of personnel within thedivision.Damage Control Petty OfficerA qualified senior petty officer in each divisionis designated as damage control petty officer(DCPO). Section leaders of each section aredesignated as duty DCPOs outside of normalworking hours in port; they also perform theduties of the DCPO at some time during their tourof duty. Division officers notify the fire marshaland the damage control assistant (DCA) of DCPOand duty DCPO assignments and of any changesto these assignments. DCPOs should have receivedformal training and be qualified before assign-ment.DCPOs normally serve for a period of 6months. They check in and out with the firemarshal and DCA upon being assigned to orreleased from such duties.Duties and Responsibilities of the DCPOThe DCPO and duty DCPOs (duty sectionleaders) have the following duties andresponsibilities:Being acquainted with all phases of the ship’sdamage control, fire-fighting, and defense pro-ceduresAssisting in the instruction of division person-nel in damage control, fire-fighting, and chemical,biological, and radiological (CBR) defense pro-cedures7-3
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