Ensuring the preparation and maintenance ofdamage control checkoff lists for all spaces assignedSupervising the setting of specified damage controlmaterial conditions within division spaces and makingrequired reportsWeighing portable C02 bottles, inspecting and testingdamage control and fire-fighting equip-ment, andpreparing required reports for approval of the divisionofficer in following the current ship’s instructionEnsuring all battle lanterns, dog wrenches, spanners,and other damage control equipment are in place and ina usable condition in all division spacesEnsuring all compartments, piping, cables, anddamage control and fire-fighting equipment are properlystenciled or identified by color codesPosting safety precautions and operating instructionsin required division spacesAssisting the division officer in inspecting divisionspaces for cleanliness and preservation and assisting inthe preparation of required reportsConducting daily inspections of division spaces for theelimination of fire hazardsPerforming such other duties with reference todamage control and maintenance of division spaces asmay be directed by the division leading petty officer,division officer, fire marshal, and DCAWORK CENTER DAMAGECONTROL PETTY OFFICEREach work center will have a designated work centerdamage control petty officer (WCDCPO). WCDCPOs aresupervisors responsible for matters concerning damagecontrol within their work centers. They have basicallythe same duties and responsibilities as the DCPO butapply them to their respective work centers.DAMAGE CONTROLORGANIZATIONThe damage control administrative organiza-tion isan integral part of the engineering department.However, each department has major administrativeand preventive maintenance responsibilities to fulfill.DAMAGE CONTROLBATTLE ORGANIZATIONThe damage control battle organization includesdamage control central (DCC); repair parties for hull,propulsion, electronics, weapons, and air; and battledressing stations. Each person within the organizationmust be highly trained in all phases of damage control.Ships should be self-sufficient, and ship’s personnelshould be able to take positive action to control anydamage likely to occur. Provisions should be made forrelief of personnel engaged in arduous tasks, for battlemessing, and for transition from one condition ofreadiness to another. Positive,COMMANDELECTRONICSPRIMARYDAMAGEAT-SEAENGINEERING WEAPONSCAUSUALTYFLIGHTCONTROL FIRE PARTY (S)CONTROLCONTROLCONTROLCONTROLREPAIR 1REPAIR 2REPAIR 3REPAIR 4 REPAIR 7REPAIR 5REPAIR 6REPAIR 8ORDANCECRASH ANDDISPOSALSALVAGETEAMTEAM* MAINBATTLECHAIN OF COMMANDDRESSING- - - - - - - - - LIAISON/REPORTINGAVIATION FUELCONFLAGRATIONREPAIR TEAMSTATION* BATTLE DRESSING STATIONS WILL VARY WITH DIFFERENT CLASSES OF SHIPS. APPLICABLE STATIONSFOR SPECIFIC SHIPS SHOULD BE DRAWN UNDER THE APPROPRIATE PARTY.Figure 7-2.—Damage control battle organization chart.7-4
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