CHAPTER 7DAMAGE CONTROL1. OBJECTIVESUpon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:Describe the objectives of damage control.Describe the damage control responsibilitiesof the commanding officer, executive officer,officer of the deck, division officer, damagecontrol petty officer, and work center damagecontrol petty officer.Describe the damage control central organiza-tion.Describe the assignments, responsibilities,and dress requirements of repair parties andteams.Describe the duties and responsibilities of theon-scene leader.Describe the duties of the at-sea fire party.Describe the procedures used for investigatingflooding, structural damage, and fires.Identify the classes of fire and extinguishingagents used in damage control.Describe the methods used to prevent thespread of fires.Describe the method used to control flooding.Describe the two types of flooding. the types of damage control com-munications.Describe the purpose of and rules observedwhile administering first aid.Describe the hazards involved in a nuclearweapons mishap incident.Identify the sources of damage controlinformation.Describe the hazards and non-nuclear effectsof a nuclear attack.Describe the effects and types of radiationproduced by a nuclear attack.Describe how biological warfare agents aredisseminated, detected, and identified.Describe the characteristics and classificationsof chemical warfare agents.Describe the effects of and treatment forchemical warfare agents.Describe the objectives and phases of disastercontrol ashore.Naval history is filled with instances thatillustrate the important role damage control hasplayed in naval operations. Ships have beendamaged where their survival seemed impossible.Yet, through gallant damage control efforts, theseships have recovered to fight again. For example,the USS Belknap (CG-26) survived a terriblecollision at sea (fig. 7-1) and recovered to serveagain. On too many other occasions, however,ships that should have been saved have been lostbecause of needless failures in damage controlpreparations and operations. It has been said thatif a ship survives the initial impact of damage,it has a good chance of being saved. Along with7-1
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